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Mars through decent seeing, January 17th


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After the rain cleared last night, the seeing was surprisingly stable. Here's an RGB process from the first run showing reasonable detail in Elysium as well as three Martian volcanoes enshrouded in cloud. Olympus Mons is the brightest and largest of the trio.


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Thanks again.

Richie - I was actually in the process of setting up my deep-sky for the coming months and intended just to image non-Solar System on this occasion. The stars looked very steady though and soon the deep sky scopes were off the mount and the C-14 was on. After Mars, I had a go at Saturn (which was lower and more turbulent) before putting the DSO rig back on for the remaining part of the night until dawn. Then 4-hours of sleep later, I was up for the Sun. A really enjoyable session and too few and far between thesedays :)

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