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Hi All,

Just formally saying hello as a new recruit! Looking forward to learning a lot here and hopefully will help others. Have just taken delivery of a new C8 SCT after using a Meade ETX105 for a number of years. Little disappointed with the Celestron at the moment - see attached for image of albireo and compare to attached image obtained with ETX (bottom!!). Collimation out? This was how it was delivered - hope things improve as I have sold the ETX:crybaby2: Keep warm all - very foggy here at the moment and minus alot!



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Hi Virgoman,

Welcome to SGL.

Another vote for collimation being out as well. I'm surprised its that far out though, as when I had my LX200 it arrived surprisingly in collimation and stayed that way for a very long time...:)

so if you have to do it, it should hold collimation very well.

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Thankyou all for the warm welcome it is much appreciated. Yes, Rusty, D.Hinds Ltd thinks it is a collimation problem and is more often than not due to shipping - despite being marked fragile..... and I paid extra for delivery.......!!! Just waiting for it to warm up a bit here and for fog to clear so that I can actually see the sky. I think I may have a long wait. I hope collimation solves the problem so that I can really use it in anger!

Kind Regards, Ralph

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Hi, Neil,

Had hope to be using the C8 right away and am disappointed at the images so far. Box was sealed and had no visible signs of abuse and I hope collimation sorts it out. I have never collimated a scope before. Is it easy? Was so used to the little ETX105 which was faultless the whole time I had it and was as sharp as a tack and I got some really nice images of the planets with it. I hope things improve.



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