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Weird Red moving Stars in the Sky.....

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Was it me or did lots of people see at leat 9 red star like objects moving across the sky, 9directions abit out but I suspect est to west) but disappeared just before they got to the moon....

Honestly I looked to the sky to see Mars..out at a New Years party and saw 6 'red' stars' 'travelling' almost in a row across the sky and then each of them got to a certain point and disappeared.....

They were moving to fast for stars and wern't planes as were too close...no trails and then they were gone......

I got other people out to witness it, it had me stumped..

Did anyone lese se this and can they explain it?

Honestly, I'm not too drunk either........



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Yup Chinese Lanterns - we saw about a dozen go up last night too - spectacular sight but one does wonder what happens when they burn out and come down. Still it's only one night in the year and I suspect there are millions more plastic bags litering the country. :hello2:

(are Chinese lanterns bio degrabe'able?)

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Yup Chinese Lanterns - we saw about a dozen go up last night too - spectacular sight but one does wonder what happens when they burn out and come down. Still it's only one night in the year and I suspect there are millions more plastic bags litering the country. :hello2:

(are Chinese lanterns bio degrabe'able?)

The ones with a wire frame are nasty..

If they come down in farmland (not that anywhere is good) they can get chopped up and ploughed into the soil..

You can imagine the effect on grazing animals and it has been recorded...

Personally i hope it is a fad and will vanish soon.


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one does wonder what happens when they burn out and come down.

I'm rather more concerned about what happens if they come down whilst still burning & the place they land is inflammable ... e.g. tinder dry forest. Not at issue at the moment, I'll grant you, but I'll bet the people who launch these things don't give a moment's thought to the question of what happens to them once they have drifted out of sight.

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So, how big are these things....they really did look like travelling red stars.

I take it they drift in the wind and eventually go out and disappear.....

Never seen them before and didn't expect to see them from such a distance away

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I would think in general, being a sort of hot air balloon, these things reach considerable heights in view of the many reports, in that respect they probably will not come down until the flame expires, but of course there will always be the odd rogue one that goes wrong, it may be a question of wait and see.

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I saw some at a friends wedding in 2008 and they were bigger than a large beach ball...maybe a four-foot sphere...:hello2:

They had a solid-fuel burner and took about five minutes to fill out before they could be launched.

I would imagine that they theoretically couldn't come down while alight as the hot air produced by the flame would keep them up until the flame died out.

Still, wire frames are not good.

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