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A break in the clouds last night


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Hi folks, this is my first real post, and as I am fairly new to this, these questions are going to sound a bit basic to most of you.

Last night was the first really clear night for a while, so I got out the binoculars, and as Orion was directly in front of our window, I thought I would have a look at the nebula. Well, everything was crystal clear, and Betelgeuse was showing as a definite bright orange disc. Below and to the left (I told you I was new to this!:icon_eek:), Sirius was absolutely stunning, and the moon, now quite high in the sky was showing lots of detail.

However, as I looked left of Sirius (East), on about the same level (bottom third of the sky), I noticed a large salmon pink disc, about the same intensity as Betelgeuse.

Was this a planet, or should I be studying my star maps a bit more thoroughly?


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Hi Mark,

last night I was pretty convinced that it was Mars, but when I had a look at some star/planet positions today (on a couple of sites), they seemed to put Mars at a point to the right of Orion (South or even South West) at 11 in the evening, so that put a lot of doubt in my mind.


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have you got stellarium,that should tell you what it was,free download.

Hi Jarralad,

How bizarre, I had never heard of Stellarium before today, and only half an hour ago tried to download it. I run Mozilla and it is usually fine with downloads, but this time it kept giving me a warning with the EXE file. I then managed to download it (around 50MB), and according to my programmes list it existed on there. However, the box came up again wanting me to download it again. Anyway, I tried to open it from the "tools - downloads" bar on Mozilla, and an MS Word text document came up.

I was expecting all manner of nice 3D maps and tutorials.

Anyway, I have uninstalled it, and will have another go.


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It was definately Mars as I was viewing it last night at 11.30 pm and it was located in the east at about 23 degrees above the horizon and left of Orion. Very good viewing conditions last night even with a very bright Moon.

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It works fine on my 2 pcs with firefox. Did you get it from their website?

It was from "www.stellarium.org", so I assume/hope that it was the correct site. I think that I may have started to "jinx" all techie things just lately, but I will have another go tomorrow.


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It was definately Mars as I was viewing it last night at 11.30 pm and it was located in the east at about 23 degrees above the horizon and left of Orion. Very good viewing conditions last night even with a very bright Moon.

Thanks Vlebo, at least I wasn't going mad. It was so clear last night, I hope it is like this for the Geminid display.


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I had difficulty installing stellarium for my netbook the otherday from it's main source, so I tried one of the official Mirrors (university of Kent I do believe) and it downloaded and installed fine, I also use firefox.

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Thanks Stuart,

I have just downloaded it again, and even though it appears on my programmes list (I am running Vista basic), there is no icon on the desktop or in the start menu. When I try to open it from the "Downloads" in Firefox, it simply shows a "read me text file", with the instructions to "run setup.exe". I have never done this in Vista before, so I am a bit at a loss at the moment.

Can anyone help - possibly need expert phsychiatric help soon!


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This is unusual, as normally it just opens and installs when you double click it in firefox.

Have you gone to your download folder and tried running it from there?

My spider sense would tell me that if you got it form the official site, then it should be genuine and perhaps your auto-run is a big mashed up. But I wouldn't want you trying things that you are uncomfortable with.

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Hi Stuart,

It seems as though I have downloaded it OK, and as far as I can tell it is installed. I have also found the "Run" box, which I assumed would be on the start toolbar on the desktop, but when I type in "setup.exe" or even "run setup.exe", it is saying that it cannot find it.

I have never had this much trouble installing anything on the PC. I wonder if it is possible that it doesn't like Vista?

Anyway thanks for your help.


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Just downloaded from the Stellarium website myself using Firefox 3.5. I have Vista Home Premium on the laptop. I noticed the list of mirrors is no longer available, just goes straight into the download. Downloaded fine, file is 40.9mb.......just check your file size in the Firefox download list to make sure you have the right file.

The install went through without hitch. No desktop icon but it is in the programs list. Seems to run fine.

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Hi Russ,

Yes, it is 40.9 MB, but the site next to it is showing as "sourceforge.net".

Stellarium is appearing on my list of programs, and when I go into - cdrive - programs, all of the component parts seem to be there, with the exception of a "setup.exe" file.

In the meantime, I have gone into a site called "your sky" where you put latitude/longitude co-ordinates in, and then alter time and date options.

However, I am still going to try to get Stellarium, because I don't like to be beaten by things.


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It would not be alone in that ...........:icon_eek:

Another option is Cartes du Ciel (don't worry it's in English). It's not quite as pretty as Stellarium but technically just as good:

Sky Charts, Free Astronomy software , Celestial atlas


Thanks John,

No harm in adding that to my list of favourites as well, the more the merrier;)


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Hi Andy,

'Sourceforge.net' is normal, they host the file for them.

In my Stellarium installation folder i have:

586 files

177 folders

size on disk is 63mb

There is an exe file in there. All very strange.

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Hi folks,

thanks for all your help, I think we can put this down to "user error", and taking things for granted.

I have now created a short cut for Stellarium on the desktop, the icon in the program didn't quite register with my be-fuddled brain.

So, I will go away and have a good look at it now.

Thank you once again.


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Glad you got it sorted, and with this cloud you'll have plenty of time to explore the program.


Before, I used to see all the stars, and wonder what they were.

Now, I know what they are, and where they are, but I just can't see them!:icon_eek::hello2::D:D:D:D

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