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BBC 2 On Tuesday Nov. 3rd. at 9:00pm.

An Horizon programme about Black Holes. Their destructive nature, and how Astronomers are attempting to Map one.

Another one to enjoy. Let's hope it's a cloudy night though.;)


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thanks amanda

i have been sitting around drinkin coffee on sgl most of the time, so a breaak would actually involve doing work.

are you at university amanda? i seem to remember english lit be metioned?

anyway....a phd seems like the way forward. sit around gettin paid!

avoid the big bad world of work for 3 more years

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Well which mathmatical genius is going to solve the problem of Infinity. It has brought Physics to a standstill it seems.

May have to clone Mr Einstein to help out.

Anyway, it seems we may be only 10 years away from actually observing a Black Hole, and that might kick start things again.


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I'm afraid I didn't get to watch, so I have questions.

Well which mathmatical genius is going to solve the problem of Infinity. It has brought Physics to a standstill it seems.

May have to clone Mr Einstein to help out.

Which problem of infinity? The infinity in time that we (safely far from a black hole) observe for something to fall into a black hole?

Anyway, it seems we may be only 10 years away from actually observing a Black Hole, and that might kick start things again.


How did the progamme say a black hole could actually be observed? By the observation (with something like LIGO or LISA) of gravitational waves produced by the collision of two black holes?

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There is an astronomer in America who is on a mission to get the first observation of a Black Hole directly, rather than from the clues that are around them, such as the bending of the light from objects at greater distance.

His plan is the linking together of the worlds large telescopes, to give the resolution that is required to do the job.

It was his prophecy that it might be a 10 year project before success, of which he is confident.

I am merely relating from the programme, and not from any knowledge of my own. Anyone who missed it, and were hoping to see it, ought to make the effort to do so. A lot of food for thought came out of it.


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More likely, the infinite spacetime curvature at the singularity?

I think it was something to do with trying to combine Quantum Gravity with the maths of the Black Hole. The calculation reduced to Infinity. Which has the physicists totally stumped.

You need to watch it to draw your own conclusions, I may not have explained that bit well enough.


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Anyone who missed it, and were hoping to see it, ought to make the effort to do so. A lot of food for thought came out of it.


Unfortunately, the BBC website does not stream this programme to places outside the UK, like, e.g., the wilds of Canada. :icon_eek:

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The programme discussed the Black Hole at the centre of the Milky Way, which was recognized by virtue of objects orbiting around it.

Detected by the Infra Red telescopes to penetrate the dust they were hidden behind.


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