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M31(again...sorry) with ED80


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I know i've had two attempts at this already using the 6" Newt and 320mm telephoto, but this will be my last until under dark skies at Kelling.

I was keen to try out the Celestron f6.3 focal reducer on the ED80, reducing the ED80 from f7.5 to f4.73. And reducing the focal length from 600mm to 378mm. Plenty big enough field of view to capture M31 in all its glory. Well perhaps not in its glory, that'll have to wait for better skies and when M31 is overhead.

So this was Friday nights attempt. 26 images of 1min each. 1600iso. ED80 @ f4.73. tracking was off, as was the focus.



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Don't be sorry about posting another good image - we always want to see more of M31. I prefer the second pic. If this is the kind of image you take when "tracking was off, as was the focus", I can't wait to see one you are happy with!

Grerat image.


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Nice Russ, really nice....One of my favorite objects.

Earlier in the year I had a HD go, I thought i'd lost all my early asrto pics and more importantly my early childrens pics...The other day I found what I thought was a blank DVD and on it i'd backed up a load of early photos, astro included.

On it is one of my first M31 pics with the canon and ED80, i'm working on it at the moment when it'f finished i'll stick it up.

Not as good as these as it was one of my first astro pics...

Second of your pics for mr Russ, very nice indeed.


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