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Scope probs


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Because his collimation was probably so far out that his diffraction spikes were diffuse and all but invisible. Now the scope is properly collimated he's brought the spikes into sharp focus like they should be.

Dude, its a good sign!! Sharp diffraction spikes means you're closer to good collimation than you were :D

Don't know why they annoy some people. I remember scratching my head about why I prefered the view of M45 through my dob even though the FOV was too small to take it all in whereas I was less impressed by a good finderscope view which was able to show the entire cluster in all its glory. There was just something missing. Eventually had my homer simpson DOH! moment. No diffraction spikes in the refractor finder but lovely diamond spikes in the Newt/Dob. Thtas why I preferred the view in the main scope.

Diffraction spikes are attractive to me. Its only when observing close doubles that they are an annoyance where I spike from the main star might be obscuring the fainter companion.

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You may be right calibos - maybe thats whats happening here.

I have never looked down a refelector thats that far out of collimation that you cant see at least some diffraction spikes even if they are out of whack.

Maybe the scope was so whacked out everything was diffuse.

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Dave maybe your collimating laser is way out of whack, pop round any time an you can borrow my Hotech so a comparison can be made...


Thanks buddy that would be great :D are you coming to the spog meeting? and would it be poss to pop round tomorrow night?

thanks again mate!

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No problem Dave,,just pop over when your ready mate,,Steph's got 40 pints of real ale ready for drinking :), I'm in all evening..

Lovely mate thanks! you are a bad influence but i might try a pint or 2 if i am allowed :D for scientific reasons of course:evil6:

be round about 8-8:30 if thats ok?

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i might try a pint or 2 if i am allowed :D for scientific reasons of course:evil6:

But of course,,,the other chief tester (Steph) has now informed me there are only 30 pints left!!!!! and she still hasn't made her mind up!!! so a second opinion is urgently required in order to preserve (or not;)) the remaining stock,

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