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Better to have had a dark sky....


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......and lost a dark sky than never to have had a dark sky at all.....


I don't know if it's true in this case - I have been very fortunate to have very dark skies outside my front door (seven stars inside Pegasus and all that)- back garden is a different story...

The neighbours have taken it upon themselves to install TWO halogen security lights on their house - one is blaring away now. Don't they realise how much electricity is being used?

Looks like I'll be joining the small band of nocturnal wanderers in search of a dark field...:D

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What constitutes a nuisance?

These lights come on and off at random as well (a bush waving in the wind constitutes light activation). A fast-track for the lunatic asylum for me!!! :D

Luckily I am on good terms with the neighbours, so I may have a gentle whinge to start off with. The owner is elderly with unsteady feet, so I can understand partly when she returns home late at night she requires an illuminated path......

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If they (the lights) are a nuisance, tell the council.

But have a quiet word with them first. If it's clear, invite them over to look through your scope ... they may simply not be aware that they're causing a problem.

Once you call in the authorities, you have an enemy on your hands.

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Good point Brian.

Sam, a nuisance is something that is annoying is all, and is also something that was not there before (if you see what I mean). Can't complain about chickens if you move to the country sort of thing (yes, I know people do!)


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Good point Brian.

Sam, a nuisance is something that is annoying is all, and is also something that was not there before (if you see what I mean). Can't complain about chickens if you move to the country sort of thing (yes, I know people do!)


You can complain about chickens :D - new "ex-townie" neighbours in a detached property a few doors down managed to secure an order to remove my neighbours' cockrel & chickens! It's no joke. The owner was a really nice woman who often gave away the eggs. Oh well.

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You can complain about chickens :D - new "ex-townie" neighbours in a detached property a few doors down managed to secure an order to remove my neighbours' cockrel & chickens! It's no joke. The owner was a really nice woman who often gave away the eggs. Oh well.

That happened to my mum some years back. But now, those neighbours have gone and my mum has new chickens! :)

I can't understand these daft townies who move to the countryside and then complain about countryside noises and smells - stay in the :D town if you don't like country things!

Definitely talk to the neighbours, they probably don't know that they are causing a problem.

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I had a polite chat with my neighbour about an intrusive light and how it is affecting my night time sky viewing. Luckily he was really understanding, tilted the sensor a little and he now lets me cover the sensor with heavy duty black tape whilst I'm out there, aslong as I remember to remove it.

Helped him to understand when I showed him Jupiter with the scope :D

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It's outrageous that the thing goes on when you walk on your OWN property...

They need at the very least to adjust the sensor to stay outwith your boundaries...

I hate those lights...

Only for Eegits as we call them here!

Try all of the above..

then a Catapult :D;)

remember .. it's dark.. nobody can see you .. and you have a bright target to aim at.!! :D


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Have a polite word and also offer to adjust the lamp unit it for her.

Also you can alter the sensitivity so that it does not come on when literally anything moves - save her some money.

That way if it keeps coming on and annoying you it is your fault for setting it incorrectly:D:D:D:D

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Well, I had a polite word with the neighbour today including explaining using the energy usage issue - the fact that these lights use the same energy consumption as a vacuum cleaner - and she knew the light's sensitivity was far reaching even cars going by would set it off!! - she said it will be dealt with.

She seemed a bit miffed though - but I am keen to defend my small patch of dark sky!!!

They were out fiddling about with it today according to my husband, so we'll see how it is tonight. (fingers crossed!)

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She seemed a bit miffed though - but I am keen to defend my small patch of dark sky!!!

She may be miffed but she'll get over it. Hopefully you'll have your dark sky back, that's more important than some old biddy being miffed :D. Besides if cars, etc, are causing her light to come on then it is badly set and could potentially be causing a danger to road users.

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Always best to explain and ask nicely first.

Just done exactly that with my next door neighbour. Totally understanding, even offered to have the light disconnected. Turns out that he has his own telescope tucked away in a wardrobe. :D

His ladder was out and the sensor moved within minutes of the request. Everybody is happy and we now know that we have a common interest. :D

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Always best to explain and ask nicely first.

Just done exactly that with my next door neighbour. Totally understanding, even offered to have the light disconnected. Turns out that he has his own telescope tucked away in a wardrobe. :)

His ladder was out and the sensor moved within minutes of the request. Everybody is happy and we now know that we have a common interest. :D

That is awesome news, well done! :D However isn't it sad these days when we don't know our neighbours that well?

Two nights on and nothing has been done about the lights, despite the son who installed it has visited their house on both days. :) It feels rotten to think they don't give a stuff. I have to give them more time....and honestly it isn't appropriate for me to offer to adjust it, believe me.

Time to build a collapsible obs. :) I'd rather do that than complain to the council after a couple of weeks. I have had my fair share of nasty neighbours, and these guys are angels by comparison.

I am assuming a portable observatory of some kind would create a static (motionless) field where the sensor cannot trigger?

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Sorry to hear that SP :D perhaps give them until the weekend and approach it in a casual way?

It is sad some no longer have good relationships with their neighbours. The family one side of me are friendly but keep themselves at a distance, which is perfect for me. The other side, well, they are a bit 'odd.' To say the least:D

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if you can't get it resolved you can always build yourself a sight screen type thingy to stop you seeing the light and stop you triggering it.

of course when you take it down the light would work as it is now and it would be a pity if you had an ornimantal windmill who's blades kept their light on all the time until it burned out / the electric bill became stupid :D

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