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Ryehill observatory 1st light! Pelican neb


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Finally! Have spent 2 nights on this. Friday was narrow band night but quite a lot of high cloud. Got about 2 hours 20 mins of each channel. Saturday - got in just after midnight not in perfect conditon for imaging (the odd crop on the colour version is due to me messing up with the camera rotation) but gathered RGB and more SII. The SII was way better without the cloud.

Everything worked just fine so I'm well chuffed.

The mono is a straight 7x20mins Ha. The HaHaRGB is the same Ha data with 20 x80 secs R+G and 20x 110 secs B. I dithered the images for the first time and although you loose 20 secs between each exposure whilst the guiding catches up the reduction in noise is impressive.

FSQ 106 with QSI 532.

Captured and debloomed in Maxim. Combined and deconvolved in CCDStack. Processed in PS

No calibration yet

I added the Ha to the RGB using lighten and then added as a luminence at 20% opacity.

The narrow band is still under construction.



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Hooray!!! So glad you've finally 'christened' the obs mate and with quite an image too! The detail on the back of the Pelican's head and neck is superb, I guess that's why I'm leaning towards the Ha if you had to make me choose. Great stuff mate :).

Now you've got to dismantle it all for Kelling :).


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As has been said already a super smooth image Martin.

I must confess that of the two I like the Ha mono the best, I think personally the mono comes across as the more dramatic - probably down to the incredible range of contrast you have achieved.:)


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the sensitivity of that kaf chip in the 532 is just scary!

It does like Ha and QSI have got the read noise right down. The mono was very very easy to process and because I didn't have to push things it hardly needs calibrating.

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