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Observation Targets for June

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Hi All

First off, an apology. I did not post up the targets for May, I'm afraid I got bogged down with that little work thingy and it slipped my mind. Having said that, the weather has been so pants that I doubt we would have done much anyway.

So, I'll try and fare better this time round - do you have a favourite target for June???

Clear skies

(PLEASE, clear skies!!)

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uranus shall be a fair target in june an easy binocular target and can be glimpsed even with the naked eye under a dark sky. It glows at magnitude 5.8 in the constellation Aquarius, and is highest above the horizon in the early morning hours.

You can find Uranus just 3 degrees east of 4th-magnitude Lambda Aquarii, the star that lies midway between the lower-right star of the Great Square of Pegasus and the 1st-magnitude star Fomalhaut. A telescope clearly shows the planet's 3.4 arcseconds-wide disk and distinct blue-green color.

Neptune, is an 8th-magnitude telescopic object, an easy target for 2.4-inch or larger instruments. A small telescope shows the planet, but seeing Neptune as a disk rather than a point of light is a different matter. Magnifications over 200x are usually necessary, and even then Neptune is just a tiny bluish dot with no surface details.

In this week's night sky look for Neptune in the early morning hours, in the constellation of Capricornus the Sea Goat. To find it slide 2 degrees northeast from the 4th-magnitude star Iota Capricorni, and the planet's 2.5 arcseconds wide disk will be in your field of view.

Just an idea like :D

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