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What would you choose........

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If you had the choice would you go for.....

Stellarvue or TMB

The reason I'm asking is I have been diagnosed with arthritis of my right knee. It's blumming painful and comes and goes.

I'm holding on to my beloved LB for as long as it takes but when it hurts it's really painful to pick the sheer weight of the LB up.

So maybe in a few years a APO on a Alt/Az mount/

I was thinking of a TMB 92 APO on a M7 Stellarvue mount. :)

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So maybe in a few years a APO on a Alt/Az mount/

I was thinking of a TMB 92 APO on a M7 Stellarvue mount. :)

In a few years who knows what 4" refractors are going to be about? If it was right now, then it'd probably be neither as I can't see anyone who sells the TMB 92 or the Stellarvue triplets in this country. I'd look at the WO FLT98 instead, really nice scope, even for WO :D.


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Hi Mick' just been thinking of your illness.Is there a telescope store around your area so you can go and have a look at scopes that way you might find a scope that will help you and make things better for you just a idea.Mark

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It's a good idea Mark.

I'm only airing this as I'm bored. But the knee only hurts during cold or damp weather and yes there is knee surgery but the doc has not mentioned that yet.

It hurts when heavy loads are put upon it, hence picking up the 160lb LB.

The WO FLT98 does look nice but is it in the same league as the TMB

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I've never used one but I'm quite intrigued by the Borg refractors and in particular the Borg 125 SD which is an F/6.4 and the OTA weighs in at just 10 lbs - pretty amazing for a 5" class refractor !.

Unfortunately I don't have £3 grand spare to try one out :)


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Really sorry to hear about your knee Doc. Seriously, have you thought about a replacement knee ? My sister had one a couple of years ago and she is as good as new. How about we try to find ways to lose some weight from the LB ?

Carbon Fibre tubes... carbon base... etc..

It's be a shame to lose your LB observation reports, but I suspect even if you picked up a magnifying glass, cardboard tube and an old plossl, you'd still find ways to see things many struggle to.


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Thanks for your kind words Steve.

You have no worries about me giving up my LB as yet. Put alot of money, time and effort into it so it's staying for a long while yet.

I'll mention about a new knee when I see the doc next but as I said it come's and goes. Normally worse when it's damp or cold.

I'm only 42 years of age but used to play alot of footie when I was younger and the doc said it's due to that.

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doc, sorry to hear of your arthritis.

I have used a few TMB's and for me the TMB 105 takes a lot of beating.

The view of terrestrial objects is phenomenal, it is such a breathtaking scope.

I would get this, though I believe it is quite dear just now.

Stunningly good optics.

It will be our summer object imaging scope I think, and both myself and douglas are excited about using it.


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Dont give up on the knee.

I started playing badminton at the age of 62 and my knees swelled up and I thought I was heading for a bilateral knee replacement.

I started taking Glucosamine and now Im leaping around the badminton court like the overweight geriatric that I am BUT with no pain and no swelling. It takes a few weeks to get going but its worth a try. As an ex senior lecturer in nursing I am not into fad treatments but this seems to do the trick so try it. You can buy it from any health food shop.

Clea Skies


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I have run and cycled for years and never ever had any sort of join problems since I started taking this. I have the stuff in liquid and tablet form and would thoroughly recommend it for lightbridge toting astronomers (or should that be heavybridge)

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Well, I have owned a stellarvue (SV-4) and a TMB (4" with a 3.5" focuser) both amazing scope's. Both knock the socks off anything that WO produce. When I get some spare cash again, I wouldn't give a second thought to buying a TMB again.


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Well, I have owned a stellarvue (SV-4) and a TMB (4" with a 3.5" focuser) both amazing scope's. Both knock the socks off anything that WO produce.

I'm curious to know if you could actually quantify the phrase 'knock the socks off' as that would indicate that both of those OTA's are vastly superior...


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Two words, both glorious ones. Takahashi. Cycling.

If you get the right position on a bike and learn how to pedal - good high cadence, no pushing monster gears, spin your feet round in circles, you'll confuse the arthritis into giving up.

Takahashi? It's the colour. Oh, the colour!


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"Well, I have owned a stellarvue (SV-4) and a TMB (4" with a 3.5" focuser) both amazing scope's. Both knock the socks off anything that WO produce. When I get some spare cash again, I wouldn't give a second thought to buying a TMB again."

With that knee you might not get those socks back on

Just a thought.

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If you get the right position on a bike and learn how to pedal - good high cadence, no pushing monster gears, spin your feet round in circles, you'll confuse the arthritis into giving up.

Nice one - an astronomer after my own heart. Good advice here.

I ride a fixed gear singlespeed for almost all of my non race cycling. It forces me to have a nice smooth pedal action and helps keep me very pain free in the knee dept. (I think the french even call this pedallng style Suplesse ?)

As mentioned, it pays to have the bike fitted to you correctly and after that just enjoy the ride ! After all... you're not old yet !

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