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Today's sunspots

Kaptain Klevtsov

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OMC140 with Baader solar filter and Ha filter on the SC3 webcam.


The actual sun is bigger than it looks in this picture, as I adjusted the histo to bring out the spots the edge kind of faded away. I think this is called limb darkening, but I could be wrong.

The two circle things on the right are just two bits of dust, please disregard them.

Captain Chaos

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Nice pics, CC.

Limb darkening is what you see. It's caused by looking obliquely through more plasma at the Sun's edge. The effect is similar to reddening in the sky near the horizon of Earth at sunset. More atmosphere, darker image. Note that the amount of plasma viewed is enormous, given the diameter of the Sun, ~1.4 million Km..

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