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Connection of EQ5 pro to INDI EQMOD driver

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Hello all,


recently I have started using indi and ekos for my imaging (I used nina and ascom before that). After the initial struggle to get everything working and running, I reached a problem. My guiding was a lot worse than it was on ascom. I was usually getting 0,8” guiding there, while now, I’m getting horrible guiding now (usually around 2”, but it often spikes, so I have a lot of star trailing). The thing is, my hardware hasn’t changed, only the platform.


Both times I’ve used phd2 for guiding, with the same settings, but it just seems to work better on ascom. Calibration is always poor on INDI (I wax pointing at the equator, 5 deg off the meridian), while it is usually good on ascom. I even tried calibrating on ascom and using the data with INDI, which was slightly better, but not as good.


Therefore, I’ve come to the conclusion that it must be the driver causing the issues. I use the synscan driver on indi with my eq5 pro, through the hand controller (which is NOT in pc direct mode, because it won’t connect if it is). I suppose using the eqmod driver instead of synscan would be better, but here lies my problem: it just won’t connect.


I tried using the eqmod driver with the hand controller, but it doesn’t work, even in pc direct mode. The firmware is updated, so is everything else. I use eqmod on ascom just fine, so what’s the deal?


It also seems like the driver isn’t exactly responsive, if I click on connect (or any other options), the light next to the option turns yellow, which means idle.


If someone has some experience with this, I would love to hear your suggestions, help is greatly appreciated


Clear skies

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Posted (edited)


We don't know the optical hardware or settings you are using, so can only guess. Anyway...

Best to lose the hand controller and  connect the mount to the pc using an eqdir cable.
Set the guide speed of both axes to 0.9 in the indi control panal and try again.
You don't need extra guiding software as EKOS has an excellent guider of its own. My advice would be to keep it simple and forget phd2.


Edited by alacant
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15 minutes ago, murjo said:

recently I have started using indi and ekos for my imaging

You don't say if it is under Windows or Linux. Anyway, there are a couple of things i'd like to mention. I have run KStars/Ekos/INDI on Linux for many seasons now, but as most I started with PHD2 and various software for capture.

1: Try the native guider in Ekos. In the default configuration (or at least mine) it calibrates itself before every capture sequenze. Takes a couple of minutes. I never reuses calibration data. Calibration will vary, depending on angle of dec/ra. Always start with a fresh calibration with the scope pointing at the target.

2: Don't think there is such a thing as a "guide" or "guiding"  driver. For things to work you need the correct drivers for the guide camera and the mount. And those are INDI drivers. Never heard of anyone using ASCOM in the KStars/Ekos suite, but I can be wrong. The EQ5 can use different drivers, depending on how you hook it up.

3: Once everything is up and running, time to tweak the settings on the guiding.  Guiding can be taxing on the USB-bus. If you arn't satisfied, try another USB port, sometimes ports shares lanes inside the computer. And use a computer with good specs. If you guide on intervals under a second, you must have some cpu-time to capture, transfer, process and correct, all in good time for the next. I never go under 1.5 second. Most often I use 2. In my experience, computers such as the Raspberry Pi 4 isn't up to the task. When things start to kneel, guiding is the first that will suffer. I use an old HP EliteDesk 800 with 8gb RAM and a SSD. Most often I guide below 0.5, a little depending on where I'm pointing.

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thank you both for the reply.


Just to clarify, I’m using a raspberry pi 5 (8 gb ram, I plan to get an nvme for it soon) with pretty good cooling running raspberry pi os for indi and an old laptop for ascom. I don’t think the rpi is the issue, considering my friend uses an uncooled raspberry pi 4 and was able to get sub 0,5” guiding with his eq6-r pro pretty easily as far as I know.


I really don’t think phd2 is the issue here (I will however post the logs when I get home, and tonight is supposed to be clear, so I can try the internal guider).


Any time I said driver in my post, I was referring to the mount driver (so synscan or eqmod), I know there’s no “guiding” driver. I also use nina and ascom on windows (nina is windows exclusive), not sure if I was so unclear earlier.


My setup consists of a 130pds with a self modded canon eos 2000d with a 240 mm focal length guide scope and a 120mc (3,75 um pixel size). From my testing on ascom 2 second guide exposures work best.


It could the usb bus filling up, didn’t think of that. I’ll try using a different port. I also ordered a eqdir cable, because I don’t like the hand controller (for all I know using the eqdir shouldn’t be necessary, right? That’s what pc direct mode is for?)


One thing I just though of that might work is checking permissions, maybe the mount mounts (🥁) to a port without the necessary permissions.

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30 minutes ago, murjo said:

It could the usb bus filling up, didn’t think of that. I’ll try using a different port. I also ordered a eqdir cable, because I don’t like the hand controller (for all I know using the eqdir shouldn’t be necessary, right? That’s what pc direct mode is for?)

One thing I just though of that might work is checking permissions, maybe the mount mounts (🥁) to a port without the necessary permissions.

I use a 5M 'EQDirRJ45 EQDir' cable, works fine, but not without niggles. On some setups I have to unplug and plug to get it recognized. No big deal. Have run Ekos with a USB-cable into the handcontroller, but it sometimes messed up time and place. Pointed the scope allover the place.

If the mount works in other aspects in Ekos, in should not be the culprit regarding guiding. When I start a session, I give the scope order to slew to target. Then I platesolve (with the buildt-in solver) and ticks the option "Slew to target". After 2 or 3 pictures, I'm always on. Also handy when doing initial focusing. Platesolve onto a bright star. If this works, then guiding should also work, as for the mount . At least with the native Ekos guider.

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Yes, the mount works fine overall. It slews (pretty accurately actually), tracks and parks. Sometimes it does some weird stuff, but that’s to be expected (not syncing RA when close to the pole, parking wrong sometimes, stuff like that). It doesn’t work for polar alignment though (it slews and platesolves for the first three times, but doesn’t refresh, the platesolver times out). I’ve used refresh rates of 2 - 10s with an exposure time of 5s. Maybe it’s wrong that I’m using astap for platesolving, do other solvers work?


Do you happen to remember if you used the synscan or eqmod driver with the hand controller? If you don’t, that’s fine, I’ll get the eqdir cable soon enough.


Clear skies

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45 minutes ago, murjo said:

Maybe it’s wrong that I’m using astap for platesolving, do other solvers work?

I have never used other than the buildt-in plate solver in Ekos. KStars depends on libstellarsolver. From the package description: "libstellarsolver - StellarSolver Library - This package includes an Astrometric Plate Solver for Mac, Linux, and Windows, built on Astrometry.net and SEP." It pulls in the index files you need from Astromony.net. Check the 'Preferances' button under the PA/Solver tab. They can also be installed permanent as deb's on each install, but I prefer to have them in my home directory. They are huge downloads, and when I keep them in my home directory I can transfer them easily between machines.

The PA routine in Ekos is a bit chunky. I use the same exposure time here as when I plate solve, but I pick my oldest DSLR with the fewest MP (my trusted old Canon 450D). And be aware of movement. Star trailing. Take your time between each adjustment. I have a pier, and use this routine only once a year. To lenghty and cumbersome to do if you tear down the rig each night. The good old visual polarscope way is superfast and accurate enought on my HEQ5.

I belive the INDI driver was 'SynScan Legacy' when I used the USB-port in the handcontroller.

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good news: I won’t be needing the internal guider from the looks of it. Phd2 achieved 0,6” guiding last night (on a “poor” calibration”!!)!!! Most of the ra error was periodic, and dec error was just due to backlash. I guess my tinkering with the mount during the weekend worked. When I get the eqdir cable, I’ll try PEC, and I’ll probably add a timing belt to the declination axis, to minimise backlash. I’ll also try replacing the bearings, to help with the balance (the mount is very stiff currently).

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Hi, I've got the same issue with eqmod and synscan drivers. I click connect and indi foe the mount just sits there. If I click on anything in the connection page it goes yellow and has no other effect. The log at the bottom says eqmod not responding, check it's powered on. The same set up on a pi4 works fine.


Has anyone found a solution to this issue?


Cheers all

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12 hours ago, Steve Eng said:

Has anyone found a solution to this issue?

After I replaced the hardrive with a SSD, I got an issue with my HEQ5. It wasn't detected at boot. I think this is due to how things are detected and negotiated at startup, things just go to fast for everything to be picked up. I resolve this by just unplugging and plugging back the USB-cable when things are settled. Annoying, but no big deal. And I also always switch my mount on BEFORE firing up my computer. Same goes for cameras.

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On 14/07/2024 at 00:19, Steve Eng said:

Hi, I've got the same issue with eqmod and synscan drivers. I click connect and indi foe the mount just sits there. If I click on anything in the connection page it goes yellow and has no other effect. The log at the bottom says eqmod not responding, check it's powered on. The same set up on a pi4 works fine.


Has anyone found a solution to this issue?


Cheers all

Hello Steve,


I've managed to get eqmod to work (with the hand controller). The apt package (indi-eqmod) is apparently outdated, so you have to compile it from source. Just follow the guide from the indi-3rdparty github page. Actually, you can just paste the commands, because the example used for compiling only one driver already uses eqmod.


Good luck with everything and feel free to ask if you need any help


Clear skies

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Thanks for all your help folks. Much appreciated.  I'm away from home for a while, but will try your suggestions when I'm back. 


I'll let you know how I get on.

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