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OK, what next !

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Hi folks

Well Im hooked.  Tonights Jupiter was beautiful 

At the moment I have a 10" Dob which I am loving for viewing the moon, Jupiter and Saturn. Not had a really good chance to look further afield yet. 

However! on high mag ( 9MM with barlow) Jupiter especially whizzes by before Ive had a chance to soak in the details. With the dob Im constantly jogging the unit around.

Sooo, whats next ? Im kind lost as there are so many options. 

Looking for tracking and I think I would predominantly enjoy observing but I would like the option of popping a camera on at some stage too. 

So for the mount. I think I will splash on the Skywatcher EQ6-R PRO Go-To.  I think this will 'future proof' me ?? 

But scopes, Im lost. 😞 I m thinking one of the explorers series ?

There are too many variables and each and everyone of you may give a different answer, but some guidance would be great !

Thank you.



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You’re right everyone will have an opinion. For me based on your requirements it would seem that a Schmidt cassesgrain would be a good all round option scope. Probably 10 inch would mean you wouldn’t have to replace it. The Brand and exact model will be driven by your budget. If you are getting into Astro photography then you will need an eq Mount like the one you mention above. If you’re not set on Astro photography I’d probably consider a goto altaz Mount as way easier set up for visual. Hope that provides some direction even if it serves only to allow you to dismiss the option. 

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A far cheaper route is to get an Equatorial platform. It tracks the target so no more nudging the scope. You can also do EAA with short exposures and find out whether imaging is your cup of tea.

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I  made an EQ platform for my Dob using the details below. I had some of the bits already and it cost me about £85. If you are OK with a bit of DIY something like this is so easy to make and tracks visually and for short exposures really well. Plus you can still push the Dob around, to new targets etc in the usual manner, with it still running. 



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If you only want to do planetary imaging then a GOTO AltAz would do but an EQ would give you more options for the future. For planetary you want as big a scope as you can manage/afford and I would go the Sct route. It gets expensive.

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Personally I wouldn’t rush into anything “astronomy is a hobby that rewards patience”.

@Kon does some amazing planetary imagining with just a manual 8” Dob. I can’t see any difference between his results and others that have tracking. And, if I did imaging beyond using my smartphone I’d be more than happy with these results. You could try similar and decide at a later date if you really want to splash the cash on a more expensive setup. 

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If you could give an idea of your budget @GasGiant it would definitely help.

However as others have mentioned, an eq platform may be a good shout

DIY version - https://www.skyatnightmagazine.com/advice/build-a-dobsonian-equatorial-platform

There are commercially available ones too, but no one seems to have any stock currently which seems odd.

Alternatively, you'd be looking at a large SCT to get a similar resolution, which is going to get expensive fast

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Is your concern about visual or diving into imaging?

In respect to observing and planets drifting away, opt for wider FOV eyepieces. I use 82 degrees ones, you can even get well priced 100 degrees eyepieces too. I use my 8" to do a lot of nebula observing (no imaging) and I do not find it an issue with targets drifting too fast as I am usually using a low poer eyepiece for them (only a few require high mag).

Ps: The weather we have been having recently, would not support a 9mm with a barlow; yes larger image but probably very blurry.

If you are planning to do imaging, will it be DSO or planetary? The 10" Dob is a fantastic piece of equipment (I have an 8"). As @PeterStudz Peter said I am all manual and I am doing all my planetary imaging this way (my work has been published in several astro magazines) , so I think the only limitation is the good weather and loads and loads of patience.  Yes tracking will help you but it is not necessary. Regarding DSO imaging, you can still do it manually but you will be limited to very short exposures so I would advise against it. An Eq platform will get you decent results but if you are serious about DSO imaging then a proper mount will be required. Don't forget that Dobs are light buckets so if you can have the 10" mounted you will get great results.

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On 16/01/2024 at 22:13, bosun21 said:

A far cheaper route is to get an Equatorial platform. It tracks the target so no more nudging the scope. You can also do EAA with short exposures and find out whether imaging is your cup of tea.

These look interesting.  I could probably knock up something like that. I have sniffed around the interweb and I can buy the motor unit for something like 50 quid... hhhmm

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Thank you, folks. A lot to ponder.

On reflection and as tempting as it is, I think splashing out at this stage on an expensive new set up might be counter productive. Im going to press on with the Dob ( which I love)  The mount idea has whetted my appetite to make something !

Thank you @doublevodka I will dive into that link 

Edited by GasGiant
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8 hours ago, GasGiant said:

Tempting. Expensive, though that version looks well made.

Apart from being tarted-up the one at FLO looks like that in practice it’ll will work the same as the design on this site. The drive motor is identical, the pillow bearings look practically the same. The only real difference I can see is that the segments are made out of wood faced with metal. Where as the design on here has the segments all aluminium.

Although personally I wouldn’t have the drive motor hanging off the end (more of a chance of it getting accidentally knocked) and I’m not a fan of the cut-outs. Although they will obviously make the unit lighter it will flex more and possibly introduce unwanted vibrations. 


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