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Hi all,

I'm in the UK.

I'm by no means an expert on stars etc but know just a little bit more than the average person.

Found your forum by way of some research I've been doing and I'd love to get your opinions on what I believe I've found.

The area in question is just next to Orion, Taurus and the Pleides.

I have some images avaialable and would like to know the correct section to post them and my theory.

Thank you in advance and I hope you're all set for a Merry Christmas  :)

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I’ve split this into a new thread in the History of Astronomy section where it fits better, and hopefully will get continued comment. @Extralien if you would like a different title, let me know and I will change it. It was the best I could think of, but probably not ideal 🤪


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Thank you very much for taking the time to do that and put it in a place that's relevant..

I would also struggle with a title so yours is all good :)

To be fair, it does seem to be the ideal place considering the potential result of the imagery I've put forwards. And this image I have presented here is just one of many that all seem to have the same kind of "story" connected to them.. Mostly ancient Egyptian but it tends to drift off to other stuff/places.

As an example, the "experts" believe this is a horses head (the original section does show an outline of what one could call a horse but the outline is very fine in comparison to the amount of heavy marking this "head" has. Will post it so you can see original) yet when you take a good look at it, you realize it's the upper left quarter of someones face. You can even see an iris and pupil in the eye area. Ear on the right (their left ear) temple, forehead and cheek..

The artists disguised the eye of Ra/Horus as a horse, yet left enough detail for the obvious to stand out to those who know.

Very clever stuff for "simple cave men".

And, just so you get an idea as to the skill of these ancient artists, I'll post some real horses from the same cave art. Big difference.

This singular "horse" is more of an entrance marker, real Indiana Jones type stuff...

eye horus pupil.jpg

eye horus 2.jpg

4 horses cropped.jpg

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