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FS128 First Light


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Oh I do wish I could give you more, but as you can see in the image below, the sky to the right of the scope highlights the haze which began to move in while I was waiting for it to cool. Regardless, I swallowed the jagged pill and pressed on to Jupiter and was greeted with a fabulous image. Jupiters moons shimmered and shook but even with less than average seeing I was surprised how much detail I was able to see. Multiple bands were easy and I could clearly make out dark gray festoon features on the NEB, it seems this 128 will be a stellar performer under good seeing conditions. Unfortunately the haze grew thicker within just a half hour to the point where Jupiter looked like I was observing it through a lunar filter and I threw in the towel. It figures, when I set the scope out the sky looked clear, 45 min later it was messy, it’s the scourge of the amateur astronomer. 


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Well, 3300 miles away I had EXACTLY the same frustrating view of Jupiter in identical conditions to you through my new scope.

The forecast here for the next week is 100% cloud cover 😕

At least we both got “first light” 🙂

Having owned an FS128 I know how good the views are 😁 did you see any tone difference compared to the TSA102 ?

Edited by dweller25
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6 hours ago, Sunshine said:

Oh I do wish I could give you more, but as you can see in the image below, the sky to the right of the scope highlights the haze which began to move in while I was waiting for it to cool. Regardless, I swallowed the jagged pill and pressed on to Jupiter and was greeted with a fabulous image. Jupiters moons shimmered and shook but even with less than average seeing I was surprised how much detail I was able to see. Multiple bands were easy and I could clearly make out dark gray festoon features on the NEB, it seems this 128 will be a stellar performer under good seeing conditions. Unfortunately the haze grew thicker within just a half hour to the point where Jupiter looked like I was observing it through a lunar filter and I threw in the towel. It figures, when I set the scope out the sky looked clear, 45 min later it was messy, it’s the scourge of the amateur astronomer. 


Congratulations on first light. Lots of fun to come 👍🏻

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6 hours ago, dweller25 said:

Well, 3300 miles away I had EXACTLY the same frustrating view of Jupiter in identical conditions to you through my new scope.

The forecast here for the next week is 100% cloud cover 😕

At least we both got “first light” 🙂

Having owned an FS128 I know how good the views are 😁 did you see any tone difference compared to the TSA102 ?

Not sure about the tone difference as I wasn’t really paying attention, even of I were noting tone I would have written any differences off to the thin cloud. Now that you mention it, I will surely be looking out for tone differences on a clear night.

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A little stick, I refuse to make a mark on the OTA to note the perfect spot where the scope is balanced on the alt az mount so I measured out a little stick that I’ll velcro to the tripod leg for reference. I’m a genius! I will patent this idea.


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This “manhole cover” of a lens cap has already claimed its first casualty, I have put in an order for the TOA130 cap which I confirmed is a perfect fit. My scope was gently placed on the kitchen table as I have done many times with my scopes, as I picked it up to place on mount the monster lens cap fell off and made such a loud bang I jumped like a cat! as did my wife who came running to see what it is I broke this time. Sure enough, this ridiculous lens cap gouged the kitchen table only having fallen maybe two feet! imagine what it would do to my toe. Boy, I would like to shake someone at Tak while asking if they believed the FS 128 caps had to be RPG proof. Guaranteed, I’m now in the doghouse for a month!71C69600-1E57-41A7-8274-6B6A0618E34F.thumb.jpeg.4c0f749abd14623dbcb5c3497b3ea901.jpeg


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49 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

Can’t wait to get this infernal thing off my scope, it’s not only unnecessary, it is evil.

I was always super careful with mine because I knew it would hurt - they are also called drain covers 😱

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22 hours ago, JeremyS said:

@Sunshine holding his FS 128 lens cap


Just wondering if this is a part of your back garden decor? If so, it should be placed outside your scope room, standing guard over the Tak family.

Edited by Sunshine
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