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I've been interested in the night sky on and off for a few years now. There's nothing better than losing an hour or two under a dark clear sky.

I've learnt some basic constellations and bought some equipment, but I seem to look at the same targets all the time. 

I tend to do a bit of eaa as my patch of sky is light polluted and my eyes aren't perfect!

I've always neglected the moon for some reason, I don't know why as it's the closest and easiest object to find, I'm looking to start more adventures with the moon and also double stars.


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Welcome to SGL.  I too am a fan of lunar observing and double stars.  

Your problem of looking at the same few objects is very common.  

Have you considered setting yourself some observing goals?

For lunar observing you can't go far wrong with the Lunar 100.


For Double Stars, your Bible is going to be Sissy Haas's Double Stars for small telescopes.  Unfortunately it is now out of print, so goes for  a premium price


However, there are other almanacs of double stars that make nice observing challenges.

List of Easy Double Stars for Winter and Spring https://cdn.website-editor.net/f4f41486dda946fca6b252365cd24eb1/files/uploaded/List%20of%20Easy%20Double%20Stars%20for%20Winter%20and%20Spring.pdf


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1 hour ago, michaelmorris said:

Welcome to SGL.  I too am a fan of lunar observing and double stars.  

Your problem of looking at the same few objects is very common.  

Have you considered setting yourself some observing goals?

For lunar observing you can't go far wrong with the Lunar 100.


For Double Stars, your Bible is going to be Sissy Haas's Double Stars for small telescopes.  Unfortunately it is now out of print, so goes for  a premium price


However, there are other almanacs of double stars that make nice observing challenges.

List of Easy Double Stars for Winter and Spring https://cdn.website-editor.net/f4f41486dda946fca6b252365cd24eb1/files/uploaded/List%20of%20Easy%20Double%20Stars%20for%20Winter%20and%20Spring.pdf


Have you completed the lunar 100? I'm set on doing it. The problem is knowing which targets to look for at the right time. I guess it's a mix of research as well as observing?

I have the cambridge double star atlas that I should make more use!

Thanks for supplying the list, I'll start of with these. 

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Welcome Chris!! The Moon is one of those objects that you will never leave because it is practically inexhaustible... and because it is one of the few that is unlikely to generate any frustration in you, on the contrary, it is always very grateful... For that reason you always come back to the Moon. For observation I use the detailed explanatory Virtual Moon Atlas, version 8 has recently been released, and it is free software. https://www.ap-i.net/avl/fr/start 

Edited by Chandra
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A big welcome! Chris, we have all been fixated on the same constellations and targets when starting off, this is common. Turn Left at Orion, the book mentioned above is pretty much a beginners bible to amateur astronomy, you’ll love it. As for double stars? I have had a love affair with doubles since I bought my first refractor a few years ago, now they’re pretty much all I search out with that scope with the exception of a planet here and there. Also, I highly suggest you search out astronomy clubs near you, there’s no better way to enter the hobby, you will be welcomed and you’ll make friends with some great people who will gladly help you along. In the meantime, we’re glad you found us, we’re here to help, have a great time!.

Edited by Sunshine
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Hello CHRIS and welcome to the site. With you on the double star thing, have a look for "Discovering Double Stars" by Agnes Clarke. There might be a downloadable on this site somewhere, worth a search and a look. Moon challenge for you, find Gassendi a particular favourite of mine, then spot the crater on the rim, this is Gassendi A, it is about 30km in diameter and I find it fascinating that you can identify something that small from the back garden.

All the best 

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1 hour ago, M40 said:

Hello CHRIS and welcome to the site. With you on the double star thing, have a look for "Discovering Double Stars" by Agnes Clarke. There might be a downloadable on this site somewhere, worth a search and a look. Moon challenge for you, find Gassendi a particular favourite of mine, then spot the crater on the rim, this is Gassendi A, it is about 30km in diameter and I find it fascinating that you can identify something that small from the back garden.

All the best 

I'll be sure to search for Gassendi next time there is a break in the clouds. I'll also look into the book on double stars

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1 hour ago, CHRlS said:

I'll be sure to search for Gassendi next time there is a break in the clouds. I'll also look into the book on double stars

Found the link... Ags on this site has three downloadable books, if you do a search in members for Ags then click on one of her posts then look in herd descriptor at the bottom you will find the link. All the best.

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