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Loch Ness Monster area Wide field caught with the piggybacking Samyang


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The imaging rig I have up and running so far this season is my dual RASA8 rig with a Samyang 135 piggybacking (all on a Mesu 200). I plan and shoot with the RASAs and then just see what the Samyang finds as a bonus (although it is centered on the same coordinates as the RASAs). When I explore the same area a few nights in the row, in this case different dark nebulae in Vulpecula, I often find overlaps between the Samyang images and try to mix them into a kind of mosaic. In this case it yielded two possible outcomes and here they are. Both containing LDN 768 to 792, so the Loch Ness Monster and the Pigtail Nebula. Some Sharpless nebulae, from Sh2-83 to 93, are also there, and in the first of them the Dumbbell Nebula turned up. In the second one you can see the coat hanger asterism at the bottom.

So, imaged during two nights in late September with Samyang 135 with Omegon veTec571 OSC and no filter. 133 x 3 min. Processed in PI an PS, and using the XTerminator tools of course trying to control and still keep the amazing starfield in this area.

Cheers, Göran




Edited by gorann
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20 minutes ago, WolfieGlos said:

Wow, what a stunning image, area and FOV you caught there Goran.

Compared to the one you posted the other day, Nessie almost looks like he’s (she’s?) been shrunk in this wider image! 

Thanks a lot Chris! Yes, she is not so alone anymore, and in processing this data I somehow managed to get her more colourful.

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8 hours ago, Clarkey said:

That's a great image. Maybe I am a bit of a traditionalist and like stars in my pictures.

Looks like you have a ghost at the top as well as Nessie.....

Thanks a lot! Yes, there are a lot of possible creatures in this image. I can se a big animal just above Nessie that is about to kick her out of the sky😆

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4 hours ago, symmetal said:

Fascinating Image Göran. There's a mass of galaxies as well as all the stars. Nessie only has a supporting cast role here. 😊 Is this an RGB RASA and an NBZ RASA data combined?


Thanks Alan! This is actually a Samyang 135 image and no filter, so pure RGB, since I collected the data some nights before the moon was here again and NBZ became mandatory.

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1 hour ago, ollypenrice said:

Love it! The field gives a wonderfully shapely composition.


Thanks a lot Olly!

Like with the RASA, you are usually up for a pleasant surprise when you point a Samyang 135 towards the sky😁

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3 hours ago, gorann said:

Thanks a lot Olly!

Like with the RASA, you are usually up for a pleasant surprise when you point a Samyang 135 towards the sky😁

That's the fun of it in a nutshell. You are likely to find something you weren't expecting, or a slightly different perspective on an old friend.


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5 hours ago, Clarkey said:

Now all I can see is a big dog.... about to eat Nessie🤣



5 hours ago, ollypenrice said:

By Gad, yes - though the dog has three ears!


Yes now I can only see the dog! The only question remaining is if it will eat Nessie or just  lick her. Maybe the Schottish authorities should be warned?

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