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Hello from Italy (and Switzerland)


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Hello everyone!

I've been stargazing since January 2021, and imaging since January 2022. Both sides of the hobby are important to me and I also like sketching (if only I were a little better at that ;D). I am a city dweller living between Milano (Bortle 9 or whatever is the definition of "worse skies around") and Lausanne (a much more decent Bortle 6) but I escape to rural skies whenever I have the occasion. It is not entirely a coincidence that my favorite gear is very portable… my faithful Vixen Advanced Polaris, Vixen 3" ED (SD81S), my C6, my recently purchased AsiAir, a bunch of light Baader eyepieces, my own naked eyes… But I also enjoy observing from my balcony in Milano with a bigger GoTo mount, hunting lunar features, planets and doubles.

I've been an active member of CN for quite some time now, but I've long been lurking this forum and thought it was about time I'd start contributing here too!

Clear skies to you all!


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Hello from Sweden where I live now, but ciao from Ticino (born and raised) 😁

I did not know that Lausanne has such "good" (lol) skies, is this in the middle of the city or from the hills surrounding it?

I lived in Geneva for 5 years but this was way before I started stargazing, so I don't really remember much. I did my military on the hills North of Lausanne (Bière, above Morges/Aubonnes) and the stars were very nice during the long nights out. But that was probably Bortle 4, I wish I had my binoculars then 😍


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45 minutes ago, SwiMatt said:

Hello from Sweden where I live now, but ciao from Ticino (born and raised) 😁

I did not know that Lausanne has such "good" (lol) skies, is this in the middle of the city or from the hills surrounding it?

I lived in Geneva for 5 years but this was way before I started stargazing, so I don't really remember much. I did my military on the hills North of Lausanne (Bière, above Morges/Aubonnes) and the stars were very nice during the long nights out. But that was probably Bortle 4, I wish I had my binoculars then 😍


Ciao SwiMatt!

That Bortle 6 is in the centre of Lausanne, and quite frankly it's still enjoyable for DSOs when conditions are just right. I remember a couple memorable nights there, and even successfully hunting for Bode's Pair with a tiny 2.5" refractor ;D

But indeed, my main observation site is in the hills and woods about 30' from my place by car. That's a good rural sky, and among many thrilling moments it gave me my first view of Zodiacal Light and Gegenschein … plus, taught me the cries of many a wild beastie ;D

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38 minutes ago, radiofm74 said:

Ciao SwiMatt!

That Bortle 6 is in the centre of Lausanne, and quite frankly it's still enjoyable for DSOs when conditions are just right. I remember a couple memorable nights there, and even successfully hunting for Bode's Pair with a tiny 2.5" refractor ;D

But indeed, my main observation site is in the hills and woods about 30' from my place by car. That's a good rural sky, and among many thrilling moments it gave me my first view of Zodiacal Light and Gegenschein … plus, taught me the cries of many a wild beastie ;D

Well now you make me genuinely think about getting back ;) 

On second thought, I might also buy a 3" to put in my luggage for when I get back - good excuse to buy something else 😇


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