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Prominence tracking


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All today, in between the breeze and cloud, I have been out sun worshipping with the Coronado PST. There are several large proms to catch the eye but one in particular seems to be jettisoning off huge amounts of plasma into space that seemingly is suspended in the sun’s gravitational field, such is the time scale of the event. It’s pretty hard for me to comprehend the sheer scale of these large prominences and the massive amounts of energy that must be involved. 

The sun really is a fascinating object to observe, particularly with its current activity. Some events seem to go on for days yet some can be over within 20 minutes. It’s great to be able to throw a solar scope outside and just periodically check in on what’s going on. Keeps the Astro bug well and truly alive through these light nights.



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Some fabulous prominences today. A huge Pegasus wing-esque prominence has broken off from the surface and appears suspended off the solar limb. At its base there is so much activity ongoing. Looking further round the disc, a huge arc of plasma is spewing out, creating a superb archway. Earlier on there was a brilliant bright flare right on the sun’s edge, an incredible morning’s viewing. 



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14 minutes ago, maw lod qan said:

Those are so amazing!

Does this activity die down during the minimum period?

I have no idea, luckily for me I’ve bought my Ha scope approaching solar max - can’t quite believe the amount of activity I’ve been seeing. 

I’ve have done white light observing during quieter periods, often without sunspots where the sun appears like a cue ball. From what I’ve observed with my Ha scope, prominences seem to erupt from active regions and sunspot areas, not sure if this is the case but it’s certainly from what I’ve observed. If that is the case, I’d expect prominences to be reduced if there aren’t sunspots. Hopefully a more experienced Ha member can confirm this. 


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1 hour ago, maw lod qan said:

Those are so amazing!

Does this activity die down during the minimum period?

It does sadly. Solar minimum means we can go for weeks with very little, if any activity. And that pattern lasts for several years. There’s normally something of interest to see, particularly prominences, but just as active periods are remarkable, it’s equally remarkable just how little activity is on show when the Sun’s sleeping.

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