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Talk me out of it!

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I love our Atik 16HR but I would like a bigger chip. So I looked at DSLRs. Then I looked at the Atik 4000 and Starlight equivalent. Very helpful posts on the forum on that. But two and a half grand. Strewth, can I be serious?? And now, with some questions over the sensitivity of those two, I find myself thinking about a QSI at another grand on top of that. Please, please, stop me before I go any further in this madness! The excuse that it is not really for me but for the business is wearing very thin...


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Olly i have both an atik and a qsi540 and as good as atik stuff is i have never had a ccd camera as reliable easy to use as the qsi

the internal filter wheel is fantastic, the off axis guider makes life simple and the build quality would put Rolls Royce to shame

they are worth every penny of the extra money which is why i am waiting for the new qsi700 35mm to come out :)

i can't talk you out of it i am afraid, as perfection always costs more :)

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