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Synscan Pro Connection Issues


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I'm seeing a strange issue when trying to connect to my HEQ5 mount using the Synscan Pro App running under Windows 11 and an EQDIR cable direct to the mount. All drivers etc are installed. (The reason I want to use the app is because it provides better tracking of the ISS using Skytrack that is possible with EQMOD.)

If I power everything on, run the app and then hit "connect" I get a failure message, and this is repeatable. However, if I connect to the mount first using EQMOD from, say, CdC (which never fails) and then disconnect, the app will always connect. I'm not sure that it's always been like this, so it may be something to do with the sequence of powering on, connecting, etc, but if so I haven't managed to discover what. The only other thing to mention is that the USB connection goes via a USB hub (I don't have enough USB ports to avoid this), but as I said, it works first time every time with EQMOD.

Obviously the workround I've mentioned is pretty simple to do, but it's a nuisance to have to do it every time. Has anyone else experienced this and found a solution, please?

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Do you know what driver the cable uses? There are serial cables which use FTDI (better) and others that use Prolific. The better ones reme,ber the port number last used, the others can select different ports each time.

If you check in device manger for the port used and the driver we may be able to help.

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I believe it's FTDI; there's no issue with the port number (and it is indeed the same every time) because EQMOD and the App are both set to use the same one, and indeed I have checked that it is present in device manager even when the connection fails.

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That would seem to point to a software issue.

In the Synscan app have you got it set to connect on app launch in the connection settings. And has it saved the com port number?

If it works when eqmod has already enabled the port, then presumably it is not enabling it on it's own first attempt.



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It isn't set to connect on app launch, so I launch it and then click "connect" - which is when I get the failure message. The COM port is stored correctly, though, and I recall looking in "device manager" and seeing it there before attempting to connect.

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I've never used the app but reading the manual it makes reference to the Skywatcher wi-fi (built in or dongle) when using the app via an android or Apple device.  If running on a windows based machine the installation folder needs full access and as it runs a server service may need a change to your firewall settings as it needs to tether to a 3rd party application.  I would suggest you have a read of the manual and follow the information from page 22 onwards.  Whilst it mentions Ascom compliant 3rd party applications it doesn't go into a lot of information on configuration, and as far as I know EQMOD, due to its age, looks for a com port rather than a network device, so could be reliant on another link in the chain.

synscan app manual

Info on advance configuring EQMOD and additional scripts can be found on the EQMOD Sourceforge page here which has a page on satellite tracking, but understand these mounts, the firmware in the motorboards and to an extent the software communicating with it have not been designed to fast track a mount to follow something like the ISS which due to its orbit is probably the fastest moving satellite. 

To be perfectly honest I think its a lot of bother just to get the mount to track the ISS....

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