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Astro-Fesshole: Succumbing to the Splurge Urge...


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I am lucky enough to work in a field where from time to time I benefit from an annual bonus and this year, having made sure the family coffers were suitably refreshed, I have been able to annex funds to move my astro hobby/obsession along a little. 

Today I hit "buy" on an AZGTiX mount to allow widefield and high mag viewing of the same object, a Berlebach Charon observing chair and, most splurgy of all, a pair of Canon 10x42 IS Binoculars.   I've fancied a pair of IS bin's for ages and had planned to get the (significantly cheaper) 12x36's, but some strange urge transported me at the point of purchase not to compromise and having literally put them in and out of the basket twice, I bought the top of the range option. (If I'm truly confessing my biggest worry is that this binocular choice will result in 'Scope dissatisfaction and I'll end up having to upgrade across the board - but I think that ship has already sailed.)

 I am both horrified and elated. 

I'm sharing this here as I'm hopeful that I am not alone in this weird mixture of guilt and excitement and if there's anywhere where I'm likely to find solace in kindred spirits it's among this august group. Also it strikes me that there may be a need for a kind of "astro-'fess-hole" for folk in a similar moral mini-quandry down the track, a safe space where we can post-rationalise extravagant purchase decisions in the pursuit of a hobby that sees friends and family utterly fascinated for 30 seconds or so & then quickly glaze over right where we get into our stride...

Please make me feel better by sharing your agonising astro-purchase decisions and guilty pleasures, there's safety in numbers after all!

["fesshole" is not an original idea, its the IP of one of my favourite Twitter feeds @Fesshole, not for the delicate of disposition but often extremely funny.]


Edited by SuburbanMak
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I completely understand that feeling!

I can persuade myself that the prices for astro gear are reasonable, and then I think about the price of other, less niche, kit and I feel a little sick.

I try very hard not to waste money on astro gear, doing masses of research before I buy, and trying to buy modestly priced kit. But when my wife asked me the other day how much we'd spent on astro gear over the last 2 years (since we started), the figure was more than ten times what we originally planned to spend! I feel very guilty, and so my wife gets to spend whatever she likes on her coloured pencils (only £3 each, but she has hundreds of them).

I say "we" because my wife does like astronomy too, but she doesn't like the cold so prefers to lie back in the garden chairs in the summer gazing at the stars, some of which we can now identify. So ... maybe I should check out those Canon 10x42 IS Binoculars that you mentioned ...


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4 minutes ago, PeterC65 said:

So ... maybe I should check out those Canon 10x42 IS Binoculars that you mentioned ...


Save yourself, don't do it!    
In the spirit of confession I find myself encouraging my wife to buy things so that we can achieve some kind of moral equivalence over the year, it works for both of us. Although that would be A LOT of pencils...

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I'm feeling your pain, as I have a number of hobbies, including music, board games, astronomy etc etc, all of which incur visible expenditure. But to put it into perspective, my wife will happily spend £2.5k on a skiing holiday....and she'll take more than one holiday a year.

Unfortunately, sometimes equipment for hobbies gets labelled as "toys" by some people. But I do have a lot of "toys"!

Test: I just asked Mrs Smartie if I could buy a £2.5k telescope. Her reply: "You can if you want."

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16 minutes ago, DaveS said:

Casting my mind back to Astrofest 2019 and putting down a £500 deposit on my ODK 12. It's not even the most splurgy thing in my obsy :eek:.

This is already making me feel better, thank you. 


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44 minutes ago, Orange Smartie said:

I'm feeling your pain, as I have a number of hobbies, including music, board games, astronomy etc etc,

Ah, now don't get me started on guitars, I have reached a comfortable critical mass in that department (for the time being). 

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I know exactly what you are saying. I don’t want to tell you what I spent in the last 18 months, as it even makes me sigh. I am also very guilty of either liking some particular piece of equipment or scope or being indifferent to it. If it’s the latter then it’s got to go. I tend to sell items way below the cost price and happily take the hit. I would be frightened to add up what my losses are also. So there’s all kinds of pains in this astronomy game. I was also looking at the 15x50 IS Binos but the price is a little higher than I feel comfortable spending on them at the moment. Maybe later 🤔

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I too know what you are talking about, it is just way too easy to spend money on this hobby. ( Or any for that matter... ) I have been trying for ages to talk myself out of spending almost £800 on a telescope, which whilst very nice to look at, I don't really need, I have most bases covered already. I mean how can it looks great, be a real motivation to buy a scope? Yet here I am, about to press the virtual button. This even though we are not made of money. Worst still, ( perhaps, ) is that my wife is encouraging me! The urge to splurge indeed!

Perhaps it would be better if someone hid the credit card? :grin:

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1 hour ago, bosun21 said:

 I would be frightened to add up what my losses are also. So there’s all kinds of pains in this astronomy game. 

There can be no "losses' in an experiential journey...

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58 minutes ago, Greymouser said:

I don't really need, I have most bases covered already.

Define need... 

I sense that this thread could become useful therapy for us all :) 

For a little while a few years ago, I was a classic car owner, it was appalling - every time this thing went to the garage for something routine there was a huge bill that was critical to keeping it on the road. 

For another comparison, I'm all for a game of Texas scramble once or twice a year but I have friends who pay a whole Tak per year for golf club membership then have to pay green fees to play, not to mention new bats, trousers etc (whatever they call them) -  I think a sense of proportion is important for assuaging our guilt. 

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@SuburbanMak, this is sounding like your personal therapy session 😉
I do hope it's working in exorcising those guilt demons.

I do have to say, if it's your well earned money and its not robbing food or comfort from the table or putting you in debt, 
then if its feels right for you, then why not.


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1 hour ago, Alan White said:

@SuburbanMak, this is sounding like your personal therapy session 😉
I do hope it's working in exorcising those guilt demons.

I do have to say, if it's your well earned money and its not robbing food or comfort from the table or putting you in debt, 
then if its feels right for you, then why not.


Very perceptive - and it’s working :) 

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2 hours ago, Alan White said:

then if its feels right for you, then why not.

This is perhaps the key. I for one, just love getting parcels, especially if it is something that is long anticipated. Oh and the bonus is: Its a telescope!

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8 hours ago, SuburbanMak said:

I'm sharing this here as I'm hopeful that I am not alone in this weird mixture of guilt and excitement and if there's anywhere where I'm likely to find solace in kindred spirits it's among this august group. Also it strikes me that there may be a need for a kind of "astro-'fess-hole" for folk in a similar moral mini-quandry down the track, a safe space where we can post-rationalise extravagant purchase decisions in the pursuit of a hobby that sees friends and family utterly fascinated for 30 seconds or so & then quickly glaze over right where we get into our stride...

All purchases below are within the bonuses received during the time with my last employer.

I bought my first telescope in 2015, an Alt-Az mount with 130 f5 OTA - <£500 - but I thought that a lot. It was over 50yrs before I pulled that trigger; my interest started in my pre-teens. We normally spent that amount in 3 months eating out with friends restaurants.

Then, 3 yrs later I installed a concrete block and pier, this cost more than the above, again prevarication on the decision - I should have done it straight way as it made such a difference. We didn’t eat out for a year.

Another 4yrs on, with more prevarication, and a lot of prompting by the Chief Finance Office and Estates Manager, repeatedly adding the parts to the supplier shopping list, and removing them, I am finally in the process of having an observatory. I am still quaking at the financial outlay involved.

The best of it is, that in those years of prevarication, I have purchased numerous astronomy related items costing more than the above combined costs.

Finally, 23yrs ago, I did not balk at buying a Harley Davidson costing more than the total of the above.

Morale - consider your priorities. Me, I now work on the basis I will not live forever and will do what my hobby coast; subject to the above named officials.

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8 hours ago, PeterC65 said:

my wife gets to spend whatever she likes on her coloured pencils (only £3 each, but she has hundreds of them).

SWMBO knits. Yarn comes in around £120-200 for one item produced.

I do not ask how much has been involved in that as it far exceeds what I have spent - pre-observatory.

One to keep in my back pocket for later :)

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8 hours ago, Orange Smartie said:

Test: I just asked Mrs Smartie if I could buy a £2.5k telescope. Her reply: "You can if you want."

Similarly, Mrs Iapa has actually been prompting me for years to get the observatory installed.

Proves that in some cases it can work both ways - sometimes :) 

Maybe some of us are just luck in out choices.

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6 hours ago, Greymouser said:

I too know what you are talking about, it is just way too easy to spend money on this hobby. ( Or any for that matter... ) I have been trying for ages to talk myself out of spending almost £800 on a telescope, which whilst very nice to look at, I don't really need, I have most bases covered already. I mean how can it looks great, be a real motivation to buy a scope? Yet here I am, about to press the virtual button. This even though we are not made of money. Worst still, ( perhaps, ) is that my wife is encouraging me! The urge to splurge indeed!

Perhaps it would be better if someone hid the credit card? :grin:

Tip: I just use credit card to get the protection and pay off from our “fun money”

May be easier for me as I am now retired, have a work pension that we can live on, and money save/put aside for our future enjoyment.

Edited by iapa
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We're all bonkers... err no, we're all part of a minority consumer group I should say, and because of this the costs are high, but we work hard, earn our money and shouldn't feel guilty for indulging in what interests us. At least we've got an interest, most of the planet is populated by mindless zombies!

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Do your living while you're alive, I always say. I've seen too many loved ones end their days sat in a puddle of their own making. Neither money nor telescopes are any use then!

So this is a good season for me. The MD and I have been rearranging our financial situation recently to consolidate our savings and off-load a lot of stress. It's made a couple of moderate lumps of cash available to me. One has already bought me a nice new StellaLyra RC10 + Flatner. Lovely instrument it is too. 

We're now just waiting for a phonecall to say another transaction has been completed. I think the sweepings up from that are likely to get me a new mount! My NEQ6 Pro is actually giving great guiding on the new scope but, it's the wrong colour and is already 9 years old so some future proofing is needed! 🤩

Oh, and the new kitchen got fitted this week too, just waiting for the tiler now. It's the kitchen I was going to fit when we moved here 20 years ago! 

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Responding to the first post.

I too have, within the last week, committed to a most-expensive-for-me astro purchase. It is a top-of-the-tree 140mm refractor from the USA (Stellarvue SVX140T). Finally after doing the currency exchange and clicking on the final no-recourse "send" to complete the order, I felt slightly sick. More than slightly, nausea is the word. Your description "horrified and elated" is good. This thread has been a touch of therapy for me too :)


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