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What are you imaging in January?


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Hi everyone, hope you're all having a good start to 2023! Not so much for me here in the Midlands, not a clear sky yet :(

In case you're stuck for targets to photograph this month, I put together a website article as well as a monthly video that covers a wide variety of focal lengths and cameras for your consideration to image!

You can find the video on YouTube called The Night Sky January

As well as The Night Sky January post on my website.

So what are you looking forwards to this month? Let's get a discussion going so we can all share our ideas :)

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It’s a struggle, but so far this month, I have IC443 and NGC2239, although the latter is more of a try out my new IMX571 mono camera. I took some corresponding flats tonight under terrible humidity conditions, and got a mist patch on the outside of the sensor window for my trouble.🥴

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On 09/01/2023 at 22:41, AstroRuz said:

So what are you looking forwards to this month?

Orion, without a doubt. I live at 65 degrees north, and my timewindow to image all the snacks in and around Orion is limited. I need clear skies, a new moon, and if I havn't had the weather on my side when we reach april, it's a year till next time. The arctic summer ends all AP from the first week of april to the last of september.

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9 hours ago, Rallemikken said:

Orion, without a doubt. I live at 65 degrees north, and my timewindow to image all the snacks in and around Orion is limited. I need clear skies, a new moon, and if I havn't had the weather on my side when we reach april, it's a year till next time. The arctic summer ends all AP from the first week of april to the last of september.

Wow I thought we had it bad down at 50+ In the UK. Good luck with Orion 👍🏼

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On 09/01/2023 at 21:41, AstroRuz said:

So what are you looking forwards to this month?

Absolutely nothing due to poor weather forecast and young kids that refuse to sleep through the night…. So have consoled myself by buying another telescope 😂

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Comets are my favourite subjects, so hopefully 2022 E3 ZTF (again) and 2022 A2 PanSTARRS (for the first time). Also, if given clear skies, no doubt some deep sky imaging in the Orion/Monoceros area before it disappears behind the neighbour's house and then on to some early 'Galaxy Season' subjects.

Having said all that, like others I'm not wildly optimistic about the chance of clear skies over the next few weeks, given what the last months have been like!

Regards, Mike.

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That's a post to get us all going isn't it?! I have a list of winter targets...  but the weather has been so bad here, I've done virtually none of them. And the forward forecast for January new moon period looks poor too.  I think I'll stop forward planning during the winter, it's just depressing!

I get more done in the summer despite the very short nights than I do in the winter.  12 images June - September, 4 in October, and 4 since then (in just 3 partial clear nights).

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M31/M33 if i get an early night, if not will have to continue next autumn as they are setting soon. Orion if i get the chance to travel somewhere with decent skies down to 20 degrees elevation but this one is very weather dependent as its just too low

M81/82 otherwise, will need a couple of nights to get IFN and maybe one night of narrowband. Might dump some hours into M101 too if im out very late.

Depending on the weather this list applies to next years January too of course. 😬

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Hi Astrofarsography, great videos by the way! I'm wondering first where you are in the Midlands, as I know Leicester very well.

To get back to the topic of this thread, I've been imaging the Jelly Fish Nebula and have collected 6 hours of integration but need more for the full details to emerge I think. I've also been getting some shots of the Cigar nebula in narrowband in between. 

Despite the fact I am in Turkey, the clouds are wiping out most nights now. When it is clear here though it is amazing!

My plans are to finish these two targets and weather permitting, before I zap off to France to snowboard at the end of the month, I have my eye on several targets next such as M78, Thor's Helmet and the Seagull while we have the glorious Orion with us.


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I think it's not worth making plans with our rubbish weather.

Having said which I want to collect more data on the Cetus A group, a project which has been going for too long. NGC 2903 is starting to become well placed, so is NGC 3718.

Galaxy Season starting early 😂.

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