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M63 Sunflower Galaxy LRGB


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This was from Saturday night. Unfortunately I had to leave the set up running whilst I went to bed and I ended up loosing about an hour of luminence owing to loss of the guidestar. The binned colour was ok though without the guiding.

It definitely needs more data to smooth out the fainter surrounding area of the galaxy and I should really wait for it to get up towards the zenith since my LP is pretty bad from the NE. Despite all that I'm pretty happy with the way it has turned out.

10" LX200ACF with SXVAO and QSI 532ws

24x300secs unbinned lum with CLS filter. 48x40secs binnedx2 red and green and 25 x70 secs blue binned x2

Captured calibrated and stacked in Maxim. 2 iterations of deconvolution with CCDsharp for the luminence and finished in PS.

I have rotated it 90 degrees because I like it like that!


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Thanks everyone.

I'm starting to feel at home with this set up now and really enjoying using it especially the AO. The seeing was a bit mediocre but I was managing 8 guide cycles per second whch certainly helps to keep things tight. Must get the FSQ out at some point but I love these galaxies!

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