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Jupiter 6th Oct

neil phillips

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What with wind I couldn't use my Newtonian.  Seeing was pretty naff here. As Jupiter is getting later i am having to capture more and more over a house roof.

And its causing thermals

So not great. But fun getting out. Stella lyra 7.3 CC  no barlow F12. QHY 462 C. ZWO ADC SW EQ5 PRO 

USE.tif 150 90 SGL.png


Higher sample rate. manged two disturbed captures this was the first capture before i took the Barlow off. Because of seeing. 

Capture size downsized to 85%


2022-10-06-2222_0-DeRot_jupiter_ higher sample 85 z.png

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The first image has very nice details, in my eyes excellent. I was surprised how stable the seeing was last night despite the high winds. Yes my captures at certain points were moving backwards and forwards than a nice drifting. Unfortunately I could not get the GRS face on as clouds came through.

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15 minutes ago, Kon said:

The first image has very nice details, in my eyes excellent. I was surprised how stable the seeing was last night despite the high winds. Yes my captures at certain points were moving backwards and forwards than a nice drifting. Unfortunately I could not get the GRS face on as clouds came through.

Yes i think seeing probably would have been better if i hadn't have waited until it was bang over the roof


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47 minutes ago, neil phillips said:

In time so much better is coming Kon. But I enjoyed it out there. Amazing what stacking can pull out


Yes beeing out is great, that's why I did not miss the opportunity despite the winds last night. By the way, is that a sand storm that you have captured at around 3 o'clock?

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Super images with the CC Neil, pity it was too windy for you to set up the newt. I'm still plowing through my data from last night; I captured 15x6min SERs for most of the GRS transit. I think I must be some kind of masochist....🙄

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4 hours ago, Kon said:

Yes beeing out is great, that's why I did not miss the opportunity despite the winds last night. By the way, is that a sand storm that you have captured at around 3 o'clock?

I noticed that. When i applied saturation. The area was a much deeper red colour in that area. I am going to run a different capture and see if it shows up again. Good observation Kon.

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3 hours ago, geoflewis said:

Super images with the CC Neil, pity it was too windy for you to set up the newt. I'm still plowing through my data from last night; I captured 15x6min SERs for most of the GRS transit. I think I must be some kind of masochist....🙄

Cheers Geof. The little scope can actually do considerably better. But for one reason or another. It was struggling. Can't have it work out all the time. I need the exercise. So, it's all good

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Nice images Neil, the Mars image is particularly good especially for this far away from opposition. Surprised to hear you say the seeing was so poor "just down the road" from me, just shows how the local conditions can affect the seeing, i thought was pretty stable most of the night i was out.

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6 hours ago, Kon said:

Yes beeing out is great, that's why I did not miss the opportunity despite the winds last night. By the way, is that a sand storm that you have captured at around 3 o'clock?

Hard to be certain at this resolution. But there does seem to be a brightening in that region worth watching for i guess.

This was a later capture i just processed 


02_33_30_pipp_mars.tif 7th oct.png full histo.png

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2 minutes ago, neil phillips said:

Hard to be certain at this resolution. But there does seem to be a brightening in that region worth watching for i guess.

This was a later capture i just processed 


Interesting, that it's there on your later capture. The first one is more detailed and it doesn't seem a processing artefact. @CraigT82noticed another feature at 1.

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1 hour ago, CraigT82 said:

Nice shots Neil amazing what can be done with that size of scope and no barlow. Good Mars too looks like maybe a very large dust storm over Argyre Planitia,  1 o’clock in your pic 

Cheers Craig. I used a Barlow on the Mars shot. and higher sample Jupiter. Only the smaller Jupiter had no Barlow. But yes, get your point. real planetary scopes the CCs 

I would be cautious trying to interpret the data at this resolution. But certainly, worth noting and watching out for any further developments 

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40 minutes ago, Kon said:

Interesting, that it's there on your later capture. The first one is more detailed and it doesn't seem a processing artefact. @CraigT82noticed another feature at 1.

Yes. Seeing was worsening. later for some reason as mars rose. A better capture levels wise though. It was a more stable healthier capture. 


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8 minutes ago, callisto said:

So would I... nice one Neil 👍



Thanks, Mark much appreciated. Looking forward to the disk growing some more. It's certainly increasing in size now. It's been a while since Mars had my attention. I missed last year. As I gave up and sold nearly all my gear. re started when the pandemic hit. So my first season with Mars for a number of years. 

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25 minutes ago, neil phillips said:

Cheers Craig. I used a Barlow on the Mars shot. and higher sample Jupiter. Only the smaller Jupiter had no Barlow. But yes, get your point. real planetary scopes the CCs 

I would be cautious trying to interpret the data at this resolution. But certainly, worth noting and watching out for any further developments 

It's a shame others have not posted any Mars images from the past few days to do a cross check. It's looking promising after midnight tonight.

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21 minutes ago, Kon said:

It's a shame others have not posted any Mars images from the past few days to do a cross check. It's looking promising after midnight tonight.

Rain just clearing over the east apparently so its maybe my end unsure at the moment. If its windy i cant use my newt so may give it a miss. but will watch whats happening cheers for the heads up 

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8 hours ago, Pete Presland said:

Nice images Neil, the Mars image is particularly good especially for this far away from opposition. Surprised to hear you say the seeing was so poor "just down the road" from me, just shows how the local conditions can affect the seeing, i thought was pretty stable most of the night i was out.

So many variables Pete Jupiter lines up with a row of houses just opposite me. Every time it reaches that point thermals kick in and i have to stop. On the 2nd of Oct where seeing for me was a bit better. As soon as Jupiter reached that point. I could see the thermals starting on screen. I waited awhile to see if it may improve, but it did not. So, I stopped. Jupiter is reaching this point earlier and earlier now. What with a LED light just installed right next to my garden. I cant really image until its gone off around 11.30. Which as you can see puts it later into the night. right over the line of house i spoke about. As the Jupiter season progresses the situation for me imaging it. will continue to worsen.  As will the good captures. Despite good seeing at other locations no doubt. The row of houses is directly 90 degrees to the right of that light. 



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15 hours ago, Kon said:

It's a shame others have not posted any Mars images from the past few days to do a cross check. It's looking promising after midnight tonight.

My friend Niall MacNeill from NSW Australia, posted this on AB about 1 week ago which clearly shows a dust storm in progress…


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