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Pixinsight WBPS question / issue

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Right found the issue.

The issue is with one of the darks.
The 1 second dark is okay and has the RGGB debayer keyword in the header:

But the 600S does not:

If I add the keyword "BAYERPAT" and set it to "RGGB" then with auto selected WBPP works fine.

Did you create the 600S master dark using something other than Pixinsight ?
If so then that would cause this issue, so maybe best in future to do as @Stuart1971 suggests and to always select RGGB instead of using auto.



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27 minutes ago, teoria_del_big_bang said:

Oh don't get me wrong, this is good advice and agree totally, it's just that WPBB should be capable of picking this up from the Fits header and I am now curious to why.


Yes, WBPP and PI in general, does rely on a lot of the fits header info, and the bayer pattern is one of the most important of those, yet it’s the one it can miss….🤔🤔 it’s something that should be sorted…

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Thanks for taking the time to look at this. With being new to PI I doubt I would have found the issue. The masters were created using PI. I had originally worked the data a few weeks back with APP and wonder if it adds or deletes info from the frame headers? Will have another bash at this once home tonight.  

Thanks again!



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If you processed with APP there is a very good chance it removed fits info for sure. I, among many, many others have asked them to maintain this info in their processed images which they say they will do at some point.

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I have been following this thread with interest as a newbie to WBPS.  Well done to those who worked out what was causing the problem. It’s threads like this that really prove the value of sites like SGL.

Does PI not produce an error report that would have highlighted the issue? 


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40 minutes ago, Ouroboros said:

I have been following this thread with interest as a newbie to WBPS.  Well done to those who worked out what was causing the problem. It’s threads like this that really prove the value of sites like SGL.

Does PI not produce an error report that would have highlighted the issue? 


It does create a log of the process run but in this case it did not help much as it just said the integration had failed with no hint to why.

But then there is the Process Console which displays and keeps a record of all processes carried out and any fault or warning messages.
This is best place to look to see why something unexpected occurred.
There there were several errors (errors are in red, warnings which means it has not failed but something is maybe unexpected are in pink), one put me onto the problem and said:
*** Error: Mismatched CFA patterns between the master dark and flat frames: '', 'RGGB'
<* failed *>




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@scotty38 is correct, and I did nearly ask this question at the start, if the masters were created in APP, as they do delete a lot of the fits header info after that are created…this was also pointed out to me in a video I watched, but have no idea where…I was told to start with all fresh data and create all the masters fresh in PI and not use them from other software…

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3 hours ago, Stuart1971 said:

@scotty38 is correct, and I did nearly ask this question at the start, if the masters were created in APP, as they do delete a lot of the fits header info after that are created…this was also pointed out to me in a video I watched, but have no idea where…I was told to start with all fresh data and create all the masters fresh in PI and not use them from other software…

The masters were created in PI.  I was wondering if APP adds or deletes info from the original FITS header ?


Thanks Mark


Edited by Astroscot2
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4 minutes ago, Astroscot2 said:

The masters were created in PI.  I was wondering if APP adds or deletes info from the original FITS header ?


Thanks Mark


If you create master lights in APP then it definitely removes FITS information based on what was in the source files. What does or doesn't get removed in other stages/processes I am not sure as once I realised that I must admit I stopped using it for that as it caused me too many issues further down the line.


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On another note, nothing really to do with your OP, but are you sure your Master Flat is correct ?
One reason I ask is I let WPBB go through is stuff using the master flat the resulting image had fairly bad vignetting (much lighter towards the outside of the frame and corners especially)  but if I don't calibrate with the flat it looks better.
Left image is WITH flats and right WITHOUT.

I am not used to OSC data so originally I forgot to debayer the flat and thought it looked odd but now I remembered and debayered it it looks like a normal flat but just seems to be over-correcting the final image as the dark corners of the flat end up making the final image a lot lighter in the corners.

Unless I am doing something wrong as I said I am not that used to OSC data and also pretty new to all this anyway especially the processing side 🙂 




Edited by teoria_del_big_bang
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On a final note that has the ability to be a great image as even using those 5 lights there is a lot of detail in their and the framing is excellent 🙂 
Nothing really done apart from trying to remove the gradients I had and star removal to see what was in the nebula and looks very promising, please post the final image.




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7 hours ago, teoria_del_big_bang said:

It does create a log of the process run but in this case it did not help much as it just said the integration had failed with no hint to why.
But then there is the Process Console which displays and keeps a record of all processes carried out and any fault or warning messages.
This is best place to look to see why something unexpected occurred.
There there were several errors (errors are in red, warnings which means it has not failed but something is maybe unexpected are in pink), one put me onto the problem and said:
*** Error: Mismatched CFA patterns between the master dark and flat frames: '', 'RGGB'
<* failed *>


Thanks. A reminder if such is needed to check the Process Console.  That’s what it’s there for.  I’m probably as guilty as anyone of automatically closing it. 

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Ive  had a little look around PI and im impressed at the options available for processing I suspect I will be making a purchase at the end of my trial.  The power of being able to remove the stars and work on the nebula is amazing. I need more practice with masks but again I can see the potential.  Will revisit this one once I get my head around the processes and scripts.




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