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Something needs to be done!

OK Apricot

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After all the blood sweat and curs... I mean tears, that have gone into building my retaining wall, clearing trees etc so I can image/observe from home, it's just occurred to me just how intrusive this bad boy is... 



No special settings on the phone camera to snap this, just opened it and took the pic. You'd think I'd done a 10 second exposure! 

I'm after some inspiration from you guys, success and sob stories, about how you went about rectifying your situation. Obviously an email to the council is going to be the opener, but I'm a bit of a layman when it comes to laws, regulations and what not surrounding street lights and light intrusion. What sort of stance might be most effective? This is a low footfall area, low traffic area, my old van was broken into whilst parked right underneath it so it does nothing for security as far as I'm concerned. I believe it increases the chances my Mrs and I being burgled - "here's the front door, watch your step on the way down, look there's a jarred window"... Do you know what I mean? Am I just whinging here or? 

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Ask your council to fit the shade up there first, I asked my council here in Cornwall and had shades fitted to 2 streetlights that were causing me an issue, it was done with in a couple weeks. 

Say your streetlight is shining into your bedroom windows too. 


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Shielding will be the only effective option I think, so that will be going into the email. I'm just not sure how to approach it really. I feel like there should be some kind of environmental acts or laws quoted to give me a bit of strength 🤔

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2 minutes ago, OK Apricot said:

Shielding will be the only effective option I think, so that will be going into the email. I'm just not sure how to approach it really. I feel like there should be some kind of environmental acts or laws quoted to give me a bit of strength 🤔

I’ve had success twice with two different councils. I have never quoted any laws, just sent friendly and appreciative messages with polite requests and in both cases action has been taken very quickly. In Walton I mentioned that the light was shining into our bedroom disturbing sleep, but in Somerset I based it on my Astro hobby and said it was shining into the garden. A shield was fitted well within the timeframe they stated.

So, just ask nicely and hopefully your experience will be similar.


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10 minutes ago, OK Apricot said:

Shielding will be the only effective option I think, so that will be going into the email. I'm just not sure how to approach it really. I feel like there should be some kind of environmental acts or laws quoted to give me a bit of strength 🤔

Same with my reply above, all I said was I do astronomy and 2 of the streetlights affect my hobby and detrimental to my wellbeing and also I added with the environment and wildlife its better to have some areas where they are not effected by false light at night confusing them. It all depends on how willing your local council are as Stu says as long as your friendly about it with your correspondence hopefully they sheild it for you 😊

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18 minutes ago, OK Apricot said:

Shielding will be the only effective option I think, so that will be going into the email. I'm just not sure how to approach it really. I feel like there should be some kind of environmental acts or laws quoted to give me a bit of strength 🤔

Section 102 of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act covers light trespass. If the light intrudes into your bedroom, you probably have a better case, so mention that before mentioning astro.

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