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Saturn 21-03


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I've tried Saturn a few times this year and had no luck whatsoever!!!

Had another go tonight and had a little more luck, but I was suprised just how much fainter Saturn was to Venus.

The gain was right up, the gamma was higher than I would have liked. The exposure was still 1/16th :)

So I had a frame rate of 15FPS - took an age to get a few thousand frames (or seemed that way).

DMK21 prime focus on the Skymax180. My previous Saturns have been taken through a 8" F5, using EP projection.

Here they are, I am happy - but there is MUCH room for improvement.

The image(s) on the left were 1000 frames (around 800 stacked), the middle one was about 1500 frames (around 800 stacked). The right hand one was both AVI's with around 1400 stacked.

Top set was actual size, bottom set resized 150% in Registax.


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Very Good work here Ant. The DMK is a very capable camera, and you are doing some splendid stuff with it.

You certainly have made me glad I bought mine, and I hope I can do as well with it.


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