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ZWO Asi Studio 1.6 release includes Image Stacking! (Sort of )

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I cant see this has been posted before, and this seems the best place. released yesterday 24/06/22 ver 1.6 . I have looked and can't find release notes, but I have just tried it on some lunar avi's and it works great, but output is jpg only.
It will also stack deep sky FITS or Tifs. 




Edited by Laurieast
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1 hour ago, Kon said:

Do you find it comparable to Autostakkert quality?

It certainly did a good and fast ~ 1.5 minutes job of stacking an avi, there are no settings to adjust with that like alignment points or anything else, it just does it.
I can't see there are any options for the output file other than the given jpg, which is disappointing, as I see @neil phillips has just mentioned. 
In Autostakkert I always select TIFF output.

I don't have any FITS files to try, some TIFFS from PS did not work, hopefully somebody will come along and do that. 

I appear to have broken it, the sharpening level no longer works. 

Edited by Laurieast
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I just had a quick play with it and it is 'nice' having it there for a quick check and under one program; i used a .ser file. Yes a black box of what it is doing and annoying that there is only a jpg. There is a fits output but does not save changes. This is my quick attempt on saturn in IR ; left from asistudio with sharpening, next the fits with wavelets in astrosurface and the last one one from autostakkert and astrosurface with wavelets. I am not an expert in processing but i feel that the fits is not as good in later steps.


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3 minutes ago, johninderby said:

Did some reading and apparently there are some problems with image headers. Hopefully when the new version is updated this will be fixed..

Did you see any mention of offering other outputs than jpg?

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  • Laurieast changed the title to ZWO Asi Studio 1.6 release includes Image Stacking! (Sort of )

The Sharpen Level slider in planetary imaging after stacking, works for a while, and then stops having any effect after a few images. 

Deleting files does not fix it, the only thing that does is a re-install, it's all going a bit Beta at the moment. 

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An update from ZWO technical.


It will create a folder named 'ASIVideoStack_Output' at the video in the same directory as the video, you can find the fits files here.


Regarding the sharpening level that didn't work, could you uninstall the ASIStudio, then reinstall it? don't install on drive C.

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  • 1 month later...

I am a user of ASI Studio. I use ASICap to do my imaging and I use ASI VideoStack as well. 

But my question revolves around the slider that shows percentages during stacking. Their wording above the item makes me wonder, whether 20% is better, or 80% would be better. My goal is the sharpest detail in my solar pictures.

Here is a sample I photographed yesterday.


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