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Sol in H⍺ - 30th April 2022


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Below are a selection of images of our Sun captured on 30th April 2022.

The solar disc. It appears relatively quiet compared to last week but we still have AR’s 12994 and 12995 (Western Limb). Worthy of note is AR12994 which has been producing some fantastic flares, including an X1.1 flare later on this day.



Here is a closer view of the North West limb at 09:59 UT showing a nice prominence close to AR’s 12994 and 12995.



Next we have two active regions in the Southern hemisphere. AR 13001 (L) and AR 12999 (R). We can see some bright plage around 12999 and  some filaments stretching between the two sun spots.



A lovely pyramid prominence on the South West limb.



A follow up to the image above captured at 09:59. Located towards the bottom right edge of the disc is a dark spot on the limb. This is the conclusion of the M4.8 solar flare that erupted at 09:48, peaked at 09:58 and ended at 10:06 (all times UT). The image is inverted so although the spot is black it is actually a very bright region.



This next image is of the North East region of the solar disc and shows a series of filaments approaching the limb where a prominence has erupted. I don’t believe this is a filaprom, but close.



Back to AR 12994. The M4.8 solar flare has passed but there is still activity in this region. Here you can see on the Western limb the arch of the solar flare which has slowly dissipated.



Finally, a short time-lapse covering 10:31 UT to 11:25 UT showing the activity on the Western limb near AR 12994 after the M4.8 solar flare. It’s a little jerky as some frames were removed due to passing clouds.



Thank you for checking in and having a look.

All the best,





Edited by Hughsie
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