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Specific Reducer

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Hi all. I'm using a Nexstar 8se, I have been trying to photograph the sun but only capturing slivers of it. I was told by a friend to get a reducer. So can anyone point out which size reducer I would need for specifically photographing the full sun image. Thank You .

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Which one will depend on your sensor size. 

You need to have a full half degree field of view to get the whole disc in one. 

You can check the field of view herehttps://www.skyatnightmagazine.com/astronomy-field-view-calculator/


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Hi and welcome aboard SGL.

At the risk of stating the obvious, don't aim your scope anywhere near the sun without the proper filters. eg https://www.firstlightoptics.com/solar-filters/astrozap-baader-solar-filter.html

If you're just holding your phone to the eyepiece (with a filter in place), a 30mm eyepiece should give you sufficient field to see and capture the whole of the Sun. If you're using a camera instead of an eyepiece you will need to know the sensor size as GFamily said. If you let us know what camera you're using, we can help further.





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Is full disk possible with an 8se? I've got a short FL refractor (360mm) and this allows full disk, as does a Coronado PST which is 400mm. Doing mosaics is an alternative option.

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There is a reducer for the C8 - known as the Celestron f6.3 reducer.  ( so called because it converts the f10 C8 to a f6.3) They are not cheap - mine cost £100 used, and they go for more than that on ebay. New around £150.

If you tell us what camera you are using, we can give you an idea of the FOV (or you can find out yourself with an online app).

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18 minutes ago, jacko61 said:

Just wanted to point out that backfocus for the .63 reducer on a celestron 8 inch reflector is 105mm so you might have to invest in some extension tubes too. 


It may be 85mm - see my post.

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