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Decent Red Light Torch


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I bought a Celestron (see pic), but find it a poor design.  The circuit board and 9V battery come out by pushing the potentiometer wheel forwards.  Not good, so I drilled a hole at the back so it could all be removed with a thin rod.  I still found the action poor, and the two LEDs seemed to go through the battery quite rapidly.

So off to B&Q where I bought their small Diall torch - one of those very bright and efficient jobs (again, see pic).  Just 9.5cm long, and taking only one AA battery.  Drew round the lens part onto red acetate sheet for four discs (should be enough) that fit precisely, then put it all back, adding a cord for convenience.  

PLUS the end slides up and down to focus the light over a wide or a small area.

A great improvement!





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Yes, those box profile, PP3 torches aren't that clever imo. The best red light torch I've had of late is the Celestron Powertank Glow 5000. It's a bit pricey but is rechargable, has 3 levels of red light brightness and it is also a USB powerbank. I power my GP drives off it and it goes for ages before a recharge.


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2 hours ago, cloudsweeper said:

I bought a Celestron (see pic), but find it a poor design.  The circuit board and 9V battery come out by pushing the potentiometer wheel forwards.  Not good, so I drilled a hole at the back so it could all be removed with a thin rod.  I still found the action poor, and the two LEDs seemed to go through the battery quite rapidly.

I have a generic red torch that looks identical to that Celestron model. It worked for a couple of months and then stopped, and I haven't yet worked out why.

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I've been using Photon micro-lights for years, not only for astro (they come with most beam colours, not just red). I got one with a bundle that included a clip which has a ball-joint and is also magnetic, so you can attach it to most things and aim it as required. I think a neck-lanyard clip is "standard". They go from a glimmer to brighter-than-you-need-for-astro and the battery lasts quite a while. Only con I can see, they're small enough to lose easily (I haven't, yet!). If you're likely to drop it, there's a blink mode (about 3 sec apart, short blink).

No affiliation to, nor did I buy mine from them, but here's a UK store link:


The downside to red-filtering a white torch is that you're filtering most of its output, which is very battery-inefficient. When needs must though, it does work.

Edited by wulfrun
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15 minutes ago, Alien 13 said:

I think its best to buy a decent white light torch and then paint the LED/front glass or even both with red nail varnish ..


Yeah - the little Diall is certainly a good torch compared to some out there.  It was only £7.50.  Using the red discs works well as I can control the redness and the intensity.  Much better than the Celestron model!


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Hi We have two local army surplus stores near by and they  sell an x army surplus torch which has a red ,cleared and green lens this works great for me they have a online store .

They are called Anchor army surplus and are based in Ripley Derbyshire  may be of interest to you


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I much prefer a headlamp to a torch. Headlamps are often decried as they shine in the eyes of others.  I very rarely observe with anyone else, and so my headlamp doesn't have a chance to shine in anyone's eyes. This is because on the very rare occasions I am with others I'm carrying the headlamp in my hand - just the same as a torch! 

So a headlamp is multi-purpose, and to my eyes preferable, especially as it keeps 2 hands free.  Most also have a variable tilt feature, that's useful when on a desk.

Many headlamps are way too bright for astronomy use though. So I insist on ones that can be dimmed right down.

I'd recommend one of the inexpensive Black Diamond range that can be set very dim. Moreover, they can be set to always come on with the dimmest red light whichever button you push - so no accidents!

The red beam is wide and even, as is one of the two white beams, the other white one being a spotlight.

You do need to avoid the higher priced ones that have a battery check on starting up though. This is because they light up an intense blue that'll ruin your dark adaption. Additionally, those with the Powertap feature can be knocked on accidentally. BTW, the so-called Astro models aren't suitable for astronomy as they don't have a red light!

Here's a link to the Cosmo 250 on Amazon, that costs about £20 to £25 depending on colour: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Black-Diamond-Cosmo-250-Headlamp/dp/B07S2ZJ6CG

However, this model has now been superceded, so I'd suggest the Cosmo 350. Here's a pic in the black/red colour (there's a choice of 5 colours). The Black Diamond website is at  https://www.blackdia...shop/headlamps/


I'd add that I also have the Photon Freedom Covert light that Wulfrun referred to.  However I rarely use it as the beam is very narrow with 2 uneven rings.  It may just be because of the covert nosepiece though.  I've hesitated ordering the standard model as it's so expensive to import it from the States.  However, Wulfrun has solved that with his link to a UK supplier at a very good price.  I've therefore just ordered one, so many thanks!

Edited by Second Time Around
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2 hours ago, Alien 13 said:

I think its best to buy a decent white light torch and then paint the LED/front glass or even both with red nail varnish ..


I did exactly this with my beanie hat / headtorch. Ok, I look ridiculous but it was cheap and keeps me warm! 

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  • 1 month later...

I bought a six pack of red light keychains for $8. Not super bright but just right for looking at something specific and they don't annoy anyone else. And you can lanyard one to your mount so you don't lose it.


I also have a headlamp but find it mildly uncomfortable and the 3 modes, high, low, flash, to be annoying since you have to cycle through them. 

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i bought red glass paint from hobby craft, about a fiver, dries fast, just paint 2 or 3 coats on the lens till you get it as you want it. makes a lot of red lights. ive done 3 and hardly used any.

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