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Another weird Allsky capture - UFO?!

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On 09/04/2022 at 10:16, Jonk said:

It is a good one, looked great on the video captures.

Zooming in I think I’ve caught the smoke too?


Jon, It doesn't look like a persistent train to me. I think what you are seeing there is light from the event catching clouds/haze. These larger events often produce a lot of green light in my experience. Longer lived persistent trains tend to be produced by events at the upper end of the velocity spectrum, and this one was relatively slow.

I was actually contemplating pointing my camera down (I usually point high in the sky in an effort to catch a "close up" of a fireball) on the night of the event, but did not. Had I done so, I would have caught it as well. Instead I pointed my camera down the following night, and caught another event, albeit not as bright.

I have to say, Neil C's image of the event is stunning, but I am surprised just how flat the light curve is on it (no obvious flares) compared to how it looked in images from other cameras. I guess that's due to the aperture being stopped down?

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