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ISS with my 7 year old

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I was planning to shoot ISS tonight, although it was only at ~60 degrees, to get my settings right for the ~88 degrees on Wed. My 7 year old son decided that he wants to join me so it became a team effort. 8" Dob with ASI120mc-s and a 2x barlow, exposure 1ms and gain 53 (in asicap). My helper was counting down the last few minutes before ISS was about to come into view and keeping an eye on the monitor. His final job was to start the movie recording. We managed a 4min video. The seeing was horrible with thin clouds in the end but I managed to get a few single frames that are my best of ISS so far. Processed in PIPP and level adjustment in Gimp. No stacking, it made it look worst but it is the first time to see so much details. So a nice evening with my son. He wants to do it tomorrow and Wed again after I explained him that it will be higher up.


Edited by Kon
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  • Kon changed the title to ISS with my 7 year old
3 minutes ago, Scooot said:

I bet he had a wonderful time. Great result, 

Absolutely, he loved it. He even asked for Turn Left at Orion as his bed time book tonight.

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