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Science Communication - Showing Off the Scientific Process in Short Documentaries Which is So Rarely Seen

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Hey, made a short doc with an Astronomer at the University of Toronto who just recently found 10 super-agb star candidates... when there was only 1 prior. This has huge implications on how many supernova we can expect to see in the Universe and the elemental composition of the Universe. Check it out below!

This project got us thinking about the implications of showing the scientific process in a new light. This helps with the new expectations of science communication for researchers. The scientific process never gets shown or properly explained. Discoveries in Astronomy is never astronomer looks through telescope then Eureka! A discovery! There's so much more to it then just that. There's hours and hours of organizing data, analyzing the data and writing the paper. So I hope the short doc somewhat does it justice and hope to get some feedback!

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Great video, very watchable and informative.  I like how you didn't  exclude some of the more technical explanations, it was good to see Anna explaining the process of converting observation to real physical properties.  Pitching at the right level I suspect can be difficult but for what it is worth I think your approach was just right.  Thanks for sharing that, I really enjoyed it.  


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