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1st time at 225x magnification


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After reading @SuburbanMak's excellent and comprehensive report, I was looking forward to some double-star action despite the full moon, and the discussions from the forum made me want to try some closer doubles than I was used to. Orion is a fantastic constellation partly because it's so bright that navigating around it is always possible. I wouldn't want to track down doubles in Pisces on a moonlit night without goto. 

I was amazed at the conditions last night. My 6mm Ortho (150x) is only usable on the best days and yesterday was one of them. I spent the first hour trying to find and split two doubles above Orion's belt (Sigma 741 and Sigma 757). It was great but I couldn't make the 1.4 arcsecond split. I barlowed my 10mm Ortho  and I was amazed that the stars still had airy discs and weren't fuzzy at all. I'd only tried to do this once before and it was dim, mushy and the stars had raced across the field of view like a satellite.

After a rest, I went out again and Orion was now at it's highest. It was amazing. I split 33 Ori for the first time (1.9 arcseconds), and amazingly 32 Ori at 1.4. I even went back and just managed to go back and split Sigma 757 into 3 (or is it 4?).  I had a long go on 52 Ori but the 1.2 separation was too close. I went up to 250x and still the image held up. I'd never managed a 'snowman' before but I'm sure that's what I got. Of course I did all the classics as well including just a hint of the F star in the Trapezium. I tried Sirius too and now I'm convinced that it's beyond my skill level.

I can't believe what a buzz it gave me. I'm still thrilled about it. It was surprisingly one of the best sessions for a couple of years. I'd like to thank the people who encouraged me to get a refractor, to get the  Cambridge Double Star Atlas, and for all the discussions particularly about double stars- I hope you know who you are.

Thanks for reading.



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Hi Dominic, fantastic report! I can feel your excitement. What aperture refractor were you using to carry out these observations? Sounds like you got super views. I have a reflector myself but I'm always reading about how pleasing the view is through a refractor. Maybe one day 😁

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Nice report Dominic. I find doubles to be an absolute joy…..I’m probably a bit weird in that I look forward to moony nights so I can concentrate on doubles without feeling guilty that I may be missing out on DSO’s. I’ve had about 4 nights out with the 4 inch frac over the past week, we’ve been pretty fortunate with clear skies recently 🤞

Next time you’re in Orion look for Rho Orionis and Mintaka, both lovely binaries 

Edited by Jiggy 67
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Hi @Jiggy 67. I share your enthusiasm for doubles. My sessions were starting to get a little stale until I got the CDSA and it brought a lot of challenge and satisfaction. Thanks for the tips. I don't recall Rho Orionis so I'm looking forward to checking it out. I've seen Mintaka, but I'd forgotten about it so it's on my list for next time.

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