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Solar prominence with HA 3.5nm?


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Just pointed my 250PDS at the sun for the first time in a while. Spotted this irregular feature at the edge when adjusting the exposure which I assume might be a prominence? Taken with Skywatcher 250PDS, 1600MM and Baader 3.5nm filter. Two exposures combined. Taken at 12:28.

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33 minutes ago, Stu said:

The shape seems to match this one off Gong, does that look to be in the same position?

Pretty impressive, I don’t think it was possibly without an etalon.



This is a full disk taken over an hour later, you can just (barely) make out where it is. Near a large area of faculae. Not quite sure how to image it really as its very low contrast and stacking often creates artefacts but there certainly is/was something there. I'd read that it is possible to see with an ultra narrowband HA filter but didn't expect to actually see anything. 


I'd say it is here on your image and there shapes certain seem to match to me too.



Edited by AbsolutelyN
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