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Stella lyra 8" Classical Cassegrain mosaic 12th Jan

neil phillips

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Capturing through fog. Was not easy on the 12th Especially doing a big mosaic. I kept adjusting gain to stop the fog playing haywire with the levels. Both burnout. and impossibly dim and washed out. Using gain like a see saw lol. But its worked. Hard to believe getting a result like this through variable fog.  Steady fog is fine. variable not so much. For reasons outlined. But the best mosaic ive got so far with flos wonder scope. 

Cassegrain F12 ZWO 178MM EQ5 Baader 610 longpass. As it let through more light in the fog over say IR685  50% 75% 

jan 12th cassegrain red filter full.png 75.png 50.png

jan 12th cassegrain red filter full.png 75.png

DSC00190.png cass.png

Edited by neil phillips
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22 minutes ago, Trevor N said:

The Cass performs very well Neil. I always look for a couple of tiny craters inside Porter which is inside Clavius as a bit of a test. And there they are ! 
Very realistic images.

Cheers Trevor i noticed a distinct improvement in performance when the collimation was closer to ideal. Any owners of these scopes take note. Try to get collimation as best you can. It really responds. Loving the scope actually. Always loved my Meade 7" F15 Mak This fills its shoes nicely. Better can be had with better transparency i reckon. In time i hope to find out. 

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10 minutes ago, johninderby said:

Fogged out here for the third night in a row. Grrrrr 🤬

Oh well at least you’re getting very nice results. 👍🏻 

Sorry to hear that John. was thinking about you with the new camera waiting to get your first images. Its a bit like fishing john bide your time. You will catch a biggun eventually. Well i am rooting for you anyway. 

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3 minutes ago, neil phillips said:

Sorry to hear that John. was thinking about you with the new camera waiting to get your first images. Its a bit like fishing john bide your time. You will catch a biggun eventually. Well i am rooting for you anyway. 

Frustrating but as you say just have to be patient. After being laid low by a bug for a little while starting to feel like getting going again. 

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1 hour ago, johninderby said:

Frustrating but as you say just have to be patient. After being laid low by a bug for a little while starting to feel like getting going again. 

Glad your feeling better John thats good news. When we get on our feet again we do want to get active agreed. Not sure what conditions are like your end tonight. But will be approaching full moon soon. I am not looking at conditions. Got plenty the last couple of days to play with. Building a Orion mosaic F6.3 slightly undersampled with the 178mm. But i have found doing a 1.5 drizzle with this particular undersampling actually works out really well. infact some of my best looking mosaics. have not been critically sampled. This one is no exception. looking pretty good so far. Just started it though. so early days. if i have it all. It should look as good or better than my best so far. I think too much is made of critical sampling. From my own experiments, its not actually that high on the list of things affecting most quality people are getting. There are many other things affecting the images, that are damaging I can tell from my results. ( you only have to look at my other page ) to realize that although of course its worth knowing. People really shouldnt get too obsessed by it. Slightly undersampled critically sampled slightly oversampled. All my results look good. sometimes i prefer any of the three. Just my two cents. Just hoping someone doesnt come on and try and blind me with science for having a opinion. We can all change our mind over things. And who knows maybe i could in the future ? . But thats how i presently feel. All opinions are valid and i respect others too. One just hopes we get the same respect in return.. Heres hoping. 

Edited by neil phillips
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14 minutes ago, johninderby said:

Going to start with some single frame images comparing the 462mc and the 290mm to get a feel how they compare on the moon.

Good idea John. I have used both of those cameras. I tend to use colour cameras when i want colour. And mono when i want that. But both will perform well. Certainly worth you experimenting. And finding for yourself what you like. And what you feel is working for you and your equipment. Good idea. Really looking foward to first light from you John. 

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39 minutes ago, WestCoastCannuck said:

Really outstanding result Neil!    Love it.   Actually....  must say, the overall look is pretty much exactly what I go for if I can manage it!   Stella is playing very nicely!    I like both versions.  The larger stands up very well.  :)))))



I think at this stage The GSO classical cassegrain is proving itself to be one of the most interesting lunar and planetary scopes for a very long time. When was the last time we had such a major commercially available development in a new (old)  telescope design SCT was born. Mak Cass was born. Hello Baby Cassegrain. 

Always appreciate your opinion Mike. Your the lunar refractor king in my book. 

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30 minutes ago, johninderby said:

If only they would do the 10” Classical Cassegrain  in an affordable solid tube version as well as the truss. 🙂


I agree John i thought that too right from the outset. The reason Damien didnt get on with a large Maksutov, if what i read is true. It just wouldnt cool down. These designs offer similar performance. But without the problems.

Though of course we will pay for it. having to get the mirror cleaned. Every two or three years of use. Its a small price. For such a reasonably priced. well performing specialist instrument. 

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13 minutes ago, johninderby said:

10” CC with the CF tube.Would be similar in weight to the 8”CC.

Maye FLO could do something about it. After all it would just be a matter of putting the CC mirrors in the existing RC tube. 🤔

I suppose. Would love to try a 12" saliva dribbling thinking about that. 10 would be good.   If i had the dosh i would get a beefy mount and try the 10" up top. Reckon it would be pretty good. Havent seen any results from that. Hey maybe i should keep banging away with the 8" Send the images to GSO and say look lets see what your bigger scopes can do. Promise to send it back after a year. Might generate interest They would tell me to take a hike. Plus i dont like the pressure. i prefer to do it for myself really. No pressure involved. 

Edited by neil phillips
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