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Comet Leonard and the moon, 2nd December 2021

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I got up early to capture comet C/2021 A1 Leonard this morning with a Canon 6d and 200mm f/5 Newtonian.

Unfortunately Deep Sky Stacker just wouldn't co-operate and didn't produce a useable stacked image. However, a single image wasn't too bad. So this is a single 2 minute exposure at ISO 800.


Glancing over to the eastern horizon I saw the rising thin crescent moon and captured this image of the earthshine. 3 second exposure. Same setup. The star upper left of the moon is 7th magnitude HD128986.


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Lovely comet shot, Luke (and nice Moon of course).  But nothing on this group from early Friday morning with the comet next to M3.  Although ready for it I was clouded out - Sod's Law in spades.  But I believe there are images on the Net from other countries.  Such is life 😔



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Lovely shots 

I was out Thursday am also, but became so cold I couldn't focus my lens as I was shaking. Saw a few nice meteors and a couple of flashes of lightning in the distance.  The windchill was nasty, and it made my zoom lens shake enough to distort the stars. Not very relaxing 🥶

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