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Luna 23 Nov 2021


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Hadn't imaged the moon for far too long & found myself w time and a cooled down Mak 7" f/10 on the night of the 23rd.

Did both visual & some captures.  Wow visual at that aperture is amazing (next time w BVs!).

A long time since processing lunar, so v rusty & trying a few different things.


Moon_223811_l3_P10_ap585_imppg(211126t2)_downscaled 67_gimp.png








Moon_224428_l3_P25_ap290_imppg(211126t2)_downscaled 2_gimp.png

Moon_225017_l3_P25_ap2427_imppg(211126t2)_downscaled 3_gimp.png

Moon_224737_l3_P50_ap995_imppg(211126t2)_downscaled 2_gimp.png

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Thanks @neil phillips - that means a lot coming from someone with your skills 🙌🏾

And concur, those are the ones I like the most - all the other ones I used a more experimental ImPPG approach (& also colour tone approach in Gimp) but looking at them side-by-side, 3 & 4 are just nicer than the others.  Ah well, it's always good to try new approaches even if its only to discover that sometimes when you kiss a frog it stays a frog 😂

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I don't care what anyone says it's the most majestic object in the night sky, i can remember when i was a kid looking up at it letting my tiny sci fi imagination run wild with thoughts of flying saucers, cylons & forever wars wondering if there was any chance any of it could one day be true. 

I still feel the nostalgia on occasion when i am out alone miles from civilisation with nothing but the moon for company.. That is until that thing moving just out of sight puts the wind up you enough that you tune in to your bat capable hearing & snap back to reality.. 

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On 01/12/2021 at 09:11, Budding Star Gazer said:

That is until that thing moving just out of sight puts the wind up you enough that you tune in to your bat capable hearing & snap back to reality.. 

I still get that late at night in my garden, forget about miles from civilisation 😱

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