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YouTube/Podcasts anyone??

Curly Claire

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  • 4 weeks later...

Astro Backyard's video https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=astrobackyard+starting+astrophotography&docid=608029805808614165&mid=5A5B86466AB43D69E1375A5B86466AB43D69E137&view=detail&FORM=VIRE was very important for me in determining what sort of setup a beginner should go for without bankrupting themself.

Nico Carver for his processing tutorials

Dylan O'Donnell for a laugh

I also like Science and Futurism with Isaac Arthur  and Event Horizon with John Micheal Godier for futurism, sci fi, space philosophy etc. Good fun and quite thought provoking.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Listening to an audiobook version of "Astrophysics for People in a Hurry" by Neil deGrasse-Tyson. It's free on the Audiobook Booklover podcast on Spotify.

3 1/2 hours narrated by the man himself. It's great for an overview of latest theories plus the history of Astrophysics. It's not background listening, though - it requires some attention as things are covered quickly. Great for commuting!

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On YouTube Trevor Jones's Astrobackyard is what spurred me into AP properly.

Rory's Astrobiscuit offers sound advice and entertaining watch as well as Dylan's Star Stuff and Cuiv (he's taking a break atm).

Alyn Wallace offers updates per month on targets, Nico's Nebula Photos is good as well as Galactic Hunter.

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