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The Wizard Nebula - HaRGB


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I started the Wizard to use the couple of hours before NGC 891 rose above teh trees.  It is only a couple of hours (at most) from teh meridian, so time was short (I avoid meridian flips if I can).  Soon I only had an hour , then 30 min before the flip.  So time on this one was short.  I had wanted a rich, deep full RGB image.  I would need oodles more data for that, so I decided to throw in some Ha to help it along.   I had intended to collect 10 sec subs for the RGB channels, but only managed to do it for red.  To tell teh truth I simply forgot one night and going back just to collect 15 minutes of green and blue, with associated flats, just wasn't in the cards.  Considering conditions were very poor, and the data is somewhat limited, I am happy with teh result.

C11Edge, .7s reducer, ASI 1600.  The image was binned in software 2x2.

Red - 46 120sec, 100 10sec

Green - 59 120 sec

Blue - 52 120 sec

Ha - 25 300sec





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SGL is getting to be as bad as the Pixinsight Forum.  The PI forum nobody comments and few like.  It has always been my least favorite posting option.  SGL is now not too far removed from the PI forum for me....too bad.    I mean, how often do you see a broadband NGC 7380 at this scale?   It is not an easy project to have come out decent.  55 people have seen this image and 1 person liked it and 0 commented.  Why bother?  Its not a bad image, considering.   I may not go on SGL very often anymore (the reason should be clear), but when I do, and when I view someones image I either like it or comment (either to say I like it, or to say what I think could be done to improve some aspect of it).  rarely do I just move on without comment or like- mabe 10% of the time.  I thought that was the purpose of going on these forums.  There are much easier ways to look for examples of images that one might want to image.  I have never used SGL for that.  

So, I no longer see the reason to post here.  In the past I would get upset and leave the forum in a huff.  I did not understand that nobody really cared.  Now, things have changed...I don't really care anymore.  My images will just not be seen here, to no ones dismay, I am sure. 


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I have never thought of SGL as a place to post images for 'likes' - I would imagine Instagram and Facebook are the places for that??

I have posted images on here when I have needed expert help and it has been received in vast quantities particularly when I first started out in imaging.

Now I know a bit more about what I am doing I try to put something back in by answering questions when I can and providing constructive criticism where I am able to.

I genuinely cant see a reason to be upset by an image that was posted a little over 24 hours ago not having received plaudits.


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I appreciate your frustration somewhat, however people on the forum are free to choose what they like and comment on. If they don't happen to do so with something you post, accept it and move on - it's not healthy to count views and likes.

Personally, the images I produce are for me, because I enjoy the process of making them. If someone else happens to like it too, then great, and if someone is able to provide feedback that helps me improve then that's even better (and is in fact the main reason I post my efforts here). If not, then no worries, I still had fun creating it.

Edited by The Lazy Astronomer
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58 minutes ago, The Lazy Astronomer said:

accept it and move on - it's not healthy to count views and likes.

that is my plan  Adios!

1 hour ago, Skipper Billy said:

I genuinely cant see a reason to be upset by an image that was posted a little over 24 hours ago not having received plaudits.

Well I do.  If I post images and no-one comments or likes, there is no point in posting.  I can enjoy my image on my computer--no reason to post it on a forum.  SGL was always the fiorum of choice for getting comments, meanigful commenst abiout the image from people who know about astrophotography.  This is not social media like Facebook.  Why do I care what someone who has no understanding of this craft thinks of my image?.   Likes were never my goal.  Comments were always what was sought after, from experienced astrophotographers who understand astrophotography.   This no longer happens on SGL for me.   So, I reiterate, I see no reason to post.

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13 hours ago, Rodd said:

Comments were always what was sought after, from experienced astrophotographers who understand astrophotography.   

But you didn't ask for CC or suggest that you were open to CC.  Very few people are going to look at an image and wade in with suggestions to improve it when CC hasnt been asked for, that would just be rude!

You said you were quite happy with the result and at the end of the day that's all that matters.

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3 hours ago, Skipper Billy said:

But you didn't ask for CC or suggest that you were open to CC.  Very few people are going to look at an image and wade in with suggestions to improve it when CC hasnt been asked for, that would just be rude!

You said you were quite happy with the result and at the end of the day that's all that matters.

I have been posting on SGL for years.   Look at my number of posts.  wanting opinions and CC is implied by the act of posting.  I reiterate, that is what forums are for.  If not straight CC, than how about attaboy!  I ask again, if I didn't want comments, CCs, likes, dislaikes, whatever, what is the purpose of posting.   Self gratification?  I can view my images anytime I want, a forum is unecessary.  And I think it more rude...ruder...to view an image that someone has spent untold hours and effort processing without acknowledgement.  That is why 90% of the time when I view the forum threads I either provide CC, attapersons, or likes.  I read the other comments and say something appropriate.  If CCs are being discussed, I chime in, if people are just liking it, I either like it, or not (I will not like an image if I do not like it), but I will comment on some aspect of the image, becuase....wait for it,,,,that is what forums are for.  

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16 hours ago, Rodd said:

Well I do.  If I post images and no-one comments or likes, there is no point in posting.

Why? You are sharing your image with others to learn from and appreciate. 

I think you are taking this all far too personally. There are thousands of users on the forum and most of them do not comment. That's fine with me when I post - what I am interested in is getting some suggestions for processing or parts of the image that could be improved. Often I will know the limitations of an image and will specifically ask how to improve it. For many who don't image or are new, they might not be confident or feel justified to comment.

FWIW I quite like your image but it looks a bit soft and the stars are a bit too blue and dominate the image. Maybe try to pull a bit more nebular colour to the front? 

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14 minutes ago, Clarkey said:

what I am interested in is getting some suggestions for processing or parts of the image that could be improved.

Exactly--how to accomplish this without comments?  And if they learn from it and/or appreciate it, would not acknowledging that be appropriater?

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4 minutes ago, Astroscot2 said:

Rodd, don't take the lack of comments too personal,  you post a lot of excellent images. Im not comfortable being critical of someone's images as what I like someone else may see room for improvement . 


No need to be critical.  There are many oprions for input.  I believe there are 5 options for registering a acknowledgement that do not require any comments (like, thanks, confused, sad, and Haha).   Again, If I am going to take the time to peruse a forum category such a "Imaging Deep Space" and I look at several threads fior what ever reason (could be I am planning a shoot and want to see examples, could be I want to see what imagers I respect have posted, etc), whatever the reason, 90% of the time I provide some level of imput.  Could be a like if I am in a hurry, or a quick statement of support, or a more involved statement if warranted.  That is (or should be) the etiquette of forums IMO.   I do not "surf" the forum very often, but when I do, that's how I proceed.  

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44 minutes ago, Clarkey said:

FWIW I quite like your image but it looks a bit soft and the stars are a bit too blue and dominate the image. Maybe try to pull a bit more nebular colour to the front? 

Thanks--I am not one for oversaturation--the nebula looks right.  The blue stars are rimmed becuase conditions on the night I shoyt Blue were very poor.  I guess my mind adjusts.  the cores of teh stars are whiute (I forgot the 10 sec subs).  But I was able to reduce the blue just enough to bring down the saturation of teh star rims.  I think its an improvement.  Its the best I can do with teh rudimentary tools at my diisposal.  I will do it "for real" when I get home.



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