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First good night with the 16 inch.


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30-10-2021 16 inch f5 dob. Circa 19.00 – 23.45 Moon didn’t rise.


Started with my usual 3 objects: M57, M27 and the Veil east and west sections 24mm ep (x83) and tele vue nebuster II filter. 57 and 27 easy with 27’s wings showing well.

Next, m74 which was just about clearing trees in the east – no joy, moved to ngc7331.

7331 took some finding again 24mm ep no filters. Essentially just the core with some evidence of a disc extending further. Tried for Stephan’s quintet no joy there. Sky still not dark.

Quick look north through gap in buildings. M81 and 82 easily seen, shapes quite prominent – good mottling to M82, M81 good core and outer parts, too low down to see much more detail.

M108 not found, M97 found with nebuster filter but only just – no detail on its disc which was barely brighter than the background sky.

M31, 32 and 110 were easy to find, M31 showed two darker gaps between its spiral arms which spread well outside the ep’s fov. Quite struck now by M32 and M110 as they looked like I remember M31 looking through my old 10 inch dob. The 16 inch certainly delivers.

First look for M33 tonight – vague hint in the ep nothing in the finder. Next ngc891. I have to admit to spending ages (it seemed) back-n-forth between M34 and Almach. I eventually gap up the manual search and consulted Uranometrica 2000. I was looking for the wrong star pairing to locate 891. So finally found. Ngc891, just discernable from the background and no hint of a dark band running across.

I moved back now to earlier targets now higher in the sky, M57, 27 now with the nebuster filter stood out strongly from the background. M57’s ring was much better defined with some gradation. M27 showed the dumbbell shape with mottling, the outer wings mow much more defined. Now back to the veil, starting at 52 cygnii the broom was traced easily from its sharper tip, past 52 cygnii and out as it gradually faded. Moving across evidence of Pickering’s triangle was visible and further on the larger ngc6995. Just letting it drift across the fov showed lots mottling and twists of material. Stayed within the veil for some time finding odd patches of nebulosity not seemingly linked to the east/west or Pickering parts.

Cassiopeia, I wanted to find ngc281 but failed. Checked the atlas, I’m in the right area but no joy. Moved to M52 and then nudged across to find the Bubble neb. Using the nebuster filter there was certainly a bright patch where I expected it to be. Fitted the 13mm ep (x150) just gave me a bigger bright patch.

The double cluster with the 35mm ep (x57) just sparkled. I roamed here for a while.

I went back now to M33, it was higher in the sky and there it was in the finder! A definite brighter, even mottled patch in the 24mm ep. Ngc206 was visible as a brighter patch too. Again stayed here a while just moving around M33.

M74. If I could see M33 the.. Yes found. I'm sure there must be more to this one...

Back now to ngc7331, it was now high up and this time I found it quickly and it was more distinct too. Time to try ‘seeing what your not looking at’. I find this akin to having a raci finder and non raci ep! However I did manage to see where I wasn’t looking and I think I got better at it. I managed to see three small bright patches close to 7331 with a line of three stars helping to define them. Moved to Stephan’s Quintet and there were small smudges just brighter than the background sky. The larger smudge possibly showing fleeting glimpses of a core brightness?

Ngc891 now, definitely more distinct and with averted vision I could now make out a darker band running along it’s length.

The Seven Sisters where now over the trees. Superb sight. Too bright really in 16 inch which masked some of the dust cloud.

Noticed cloud building from the west so I wanted to see if I could find the Californian neb. The nebuster filter blurb said I should be able to see it…

Find Menkib (Menkab?) and just too the side there was the edge of the California neb. I spent some time tracing around the edge of the neb. Even at low power there’s a lot of neb there.

Finished off with a final look at M31 and co., the forward edges of the cloud had now reached here so it was time to pack away.

I have to put this down as my best night to date.

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15 minutes ago, fwm891 said:

I have to put this down as my best night to date.

I’m not surprised! You packed a lot in there, with some perseverance to come back and get the ones you missed first time round. There is so much to see in the Veil beyond just the two main areas and Pickering’s triangle. Sure you’ve seen it before but this chart helps lot. I’ve traced ‘the funnel’ all the way across to C and D, plus other features in my 14” at a dark site in Pembrokeshire before. Must get the 16” out, I haven’t used it yet!!



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@Stu Thanks for the detail around the Veil. G & L look like the area I found - great reference will take a print of that with me next time.

Thanks for the comments: @wookie1965 and @Alan White the 16 inch certainly delivered for me last night. Once we get to a fuller darkness it should make some things pop out a little easier.

I must get more practice in with averted vision. As soon as I realised I was seeing more detail I would swith back and it would go again. Trying to concentrate on one area whilst looking at another is a bit like rubbing your tum while patting your head at the same time...



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