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Big detached prom today? Any joy?


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On Gong it looks like there's a big detached prom moving out of the frame at about 10 to 11-o'clock. Anyone had any joy seeing or imaging it?! No luck there. Forecast is partially sunny but there's a layer of cloud - I can see the disc and just about make out some spots, but no proms!

Good luck!


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Update: Well the cloud thinned a little bit and I could make out a fuzzy big blog some way off the surface. The view was poor and faint though and it was hard to tell whether it was detached or not.

I fared better with a few other smaller but still sweet proms. There was a little double spike two horns sort of prom and the prom you see in the Gong image around 9-o-clock looked very much like that and really nice, some fine detail to it. It looked like nearly a bridge but possibly with a gap in the middle.

Update #2: It's cleared a bit better. The big blob is very faint, perhaps not too much of a spectacular view right now. I am not sure it is moving away from the sun. Actually it's not a blob after all, it's quite finely structured. I wonder if it's raining back down? Or maybe just fading in place. I don't feel it's moved further away.

Thanks Charl, sorry to hear it's clouded there. The view's not quite as mind-blowing right now as I was hoping, though I think is worth a look if you have a chance. It may be fading out.

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Cor Cliff, that certainly makes the suspects list! That looks amazing, well done! Interesting to see it still attached. I've had a few more views here in slightly improving conditions, though still through pesky thin cloud. It is currently still visible but getting fainter here, still enjoyable and a decent size. Can't see any attachment and it most recently looked a bit "M"-shaped (or "W"-shaped) to me, which I can sorta make out from your image if I squint at your image (getting a "W" at an angle). It doesn't look to me like it has been moving anywhere much.

re: the pesky clouds folks are experiencing, I really wish FLO still had stock of the Zarkov. I regret not buying one while they had it.



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2 hours ago, Clifff said:

Is this the one you mean captured it this morning ?

Combo Quark, 4X Powermate, Tak 76DS, QHY163M





That’s ridiculous. Are you sure that is not computer gen?

Seriously, that picture is amazing. I was out today doing a bit of white light for sun spots but that blows the doors off.


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Thanks for all the positive comments Luke, Marvin ,Mark ; definitely not computer generated Marvin. 

Two seperate exposures one surface, one proms then stacked separately and combined in Photoshop , first time trying this idea. More work though.

Only had this Combo Quark about two weeks now i think, starting to understand it and finally, getting some decent results.

Only had a PST before and some white light with a 6"SCT.

I was surprised how well the QHY163M worked (more for deep sky), only the files are massive from the 16megapixel compared to the little 174MM , not able to use the whole sensor as I had bad vignetting something else to fix later. Also a much heavier camera but has cooling might help in the hot Australian Summer today already 32C

Clear Skies (looks like cloud here for a while)


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Nice one, Cliff, that's some lovely detail from the Combo Quark. I don't know much about the deep sky cameras. But that one can do 23FPS at 16 megapixels? Sweet! Not that I am guessing you'd be doing 23 FPS on deep sky! Mind you, it might be interesting what you could pull out! Cooling sounds nice for solar imaging, I think I recall seeing some dedicated planetary cameras that offered cooling. Less noise, I think?

It is lovely with the imaging how you have a permanent memory of your sessions. May you have many clear skies over Summer!

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Thanks Luke, I'm so far really impressed by the Combo Quark I bought it used, I just thought it more versatile than a standard Quark with built in 4.3X and I have the Powermates for planetary.

I don't think I'd have enough light to do 23fps deepsky it is an older Panasonic sensor same as the ZWO1600MM. Also 8bit would be no good for deepsky I think. 

Going to buy a Tring adapter for the Quark and I hopefully will remove the vignetting also give a solid connection and some sought of screw on Tilt Adapter. Always something else !

Clear Skies



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