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Fried QHY 268M?


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My not-too-old QHY 268M appears to be dead. It had been working earlier in the year, but a combination of circumstances (Including a new PC for the rig) meant that I was only able to get it reconnected today.

Except it's not showing up in "Devices", even as "Unknown USB Device". I've reinstalled the QHY drivers, including the ASCOM 6.5 drivers after uninstalling the old versions. Still nothing.

Further investigation showed that the PSU I was using for the camera and auxiliaries was giving 13.6V instead of the specified 12V. The other PSU in the cabinet (Feeding the mount) was giving 12.46V. I am not sure if I was using this PSU or another one when I had the camera running previously as the installation went through several iterations of PSUs.

Neither the power LED nor the fan were on when powered up.

Is 13.6V enough to blow the input boards or even worse?

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I wouldn't have thought that the higher voltage would cause any damage... but If the LED doesn't light up, and you've measured the voltage, at the plug feeding the camera, then personally, I'd be tempted to open the camera up to check that there's nothing obviously amiss with the internal connections etc.... 

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QHY allow voltages between 11v and 13.8v so providing the polarity was correct the warranty should still be good.

the first thing I would do is put it on a bench power supply and see if its pulling any current at 12 volts. If you don't know anyone that has one the science department of a local school might be able to help.

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3 hours ago, DaveS said:

Thanks, good idea. I have a power supply in the obsy that has metes for voltage and current, so will give it a go. Tomorrow though as i want to be imaging tonight.

Not sure about QHY but ZWO power the camera from USB and only the cooler is powered by the 12volt supply. Hence if this is the same is the new laptop supplying sufficient current from it's usb ports? 

Edited by Adam J
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I would have thought that a camera costing around £2000 or more would have some form of protection built into the circuitry against over voltage / current and possibly reverse polarity (the latter can be achieved using a simple bridge rectifier / four diodes, so not complicated).

If its failing to power up and you have 12v (or there about) coming out of the power block and its under warranty then contact the retailer the camera was purchased from with a view of having the camera inspected and repaired under warranty 

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QHY quote supply voltages up to 13.8V so I don’t believe yours should have failed with 13.6V. If you are measuring the transformer output voltage direct on the pins, this is under no load condition so the voltage will be its highest. Under load (connected to camera) this voltage will be less. The camera is less than a year old, I would return it for repair before taking it apart.

I have the QHY600 and 268M&C camera’s and have experienced the cameras not being recognised when the wrong/incorrect drivers were loaded. So I would investigate the drivers/PC registry further especially as you have fitted a new PC.

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I measured the voltage at the camera plug, as I thought I may have had a connection problem at the terminal block where the power from the PSU breaks out to the camera, focuser, and dew heater.

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Oh no that's not good, but I would get it back ti whoever the UK distributor is for repair. At £2000 and only 6 months or so old I would get it repaired under warranty
Having fried several bits of kit on Friday (wow Friday never thought of the irony of that one before now 🙂 ) but had wonderful responses from manufacturers and very quick assistance I can only hope for you that QHY, or their UK or European distributors, are as helpful and as quick.
Fortunately it appears up until now the only bit of my rig I did not damage was the QHY268M and its filter wheel, however need to get some proper astro images to prove that for sure

It is true what @Adam J says about the ZWO only needing 12V for cooling but I do have a feeling I have tried just the USB connected with my QHY and it didn't work without the 12V supply.

Hope you get if fixed soon before the skies clear.



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I emailed Rupert, but he's on holiday so no point in sending it back yet. He suggested (Not very helpfully) connecting using the supplied PSU and USB3 cable, but as expected, no LED, no fan, no show. I think it's dead.

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