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First light with my new [used] Lunt60Tha


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Bought an immaculate, used Lunt 60Tha/B1200 with a Solar Seeker tracking mount from a lovely forum member.  I have been after one of these for about two years, a B1200 with the Feathertouch focuser but just keep missing out on one.  I have not been prepared to pay the insane money these things cost new - especially with the Feathertouch upgrade - and that's when stock is available.  I want to add some other dimensions to astronomy - especially here in UK when we can have glorious days only for it to cloud over at night.

I have three words.  Wow, wow, wow!!!!  Did I say wow?   I'm still in shock almost, speechless at the orange peel detail, sunspots and the proms.  WOW!!  Started to see the fine mottled detail as the pressure tuner was wound about half way in.

I will write up properly when I am not at work ;). I want to do some more observing but got to go to work :( 

Hope to take some images later if I can sneak out of work for a bit!




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Just a QQ.... I've left it out tracking in the sun and sun is still bang in the middle of the EP :)   Is it OK to leave the scope like this for hours?  It doesn't "use up" the Etalon's lifetime or anything?

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I don’t have a tracking mount so have no experience in that area but I’ve never been comfortable leaving my scope out unattended for any length of time.

I’m pretty sure you won’t ‘use up’ the etalon but others more knowledgeable than I may be able to give a more definitive answer. That aside, I would/have always put a cover over the scope when I leave it for a bit … apart from any other considerations birds have no respect for expensive things, including cars and scopes! 😱😱

p.s. Glad you’ve got the wow!

Edited by Floater
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On 08/06/2021 at 09:42, kirkster501 said:

Just a QQ.... I've left it out tracking in the sun and sun is still bang in the middle of the EP :)   Is it OK to leave the scope like this for hours?  It doesn't "use up" the Etalon's lifetime or anything?

No need to worry! Solar scopes are built to be used over a long lifetime, as long as they are looked after. There are solar observers still using etalons from 25+ years ago. In fact, some older filters will outperform new ones. Particularly prized are Coronado etalons from the 1990s, manufactured before Meade took over the brand. 

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Yes they are nice scopes. I have the same setup.

I was uncertain about optical parts degrading if left for a long time in bright sunshine (even in England?).
So I made a 3D printed front cover. When I walk away, just pop on the cover in a second.
It also ensure birds don't redecorate the expensive glass🤣


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  • 2 weeks later...

As a general rule it is considered unsafe to leave any telescope unattended in daylight.
There is always the risk of a child or even an unlearned adult turning an unprotected 'scope to look at the sun.
Much the same could be said for unattended binoculars. A solar scope should be much safer from such "accidents."

I used to have my WL 90mm Vixen pointing at the sun for hundreds of hours while I imaged in H-a. I now cap the Vixen.
Interestingly[?] my countless hours of solar observing and imaging has given most of the black finished items a definite tan!


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