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NGC7000 North America Nebula

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After removing several bad frames:   10x Ha 600S,   12x OIII 600S,   14x SII 600s

Not actually spent very long processing,  all in PI

Ran Script WeightedBatchProcessing with above Light frames, Bias, Dark and Flat frames, then a slight stretch before combining the three processed images in SHO, then a couple of further stretches using Histogram and curves transformation.  Invert, then SCNR (green) and invert back to remove slight magenta halos and a further small tweak in curves transformation and that's it.

For such a quick process I am fairly happy with this image. All in all I think this target is not too difficult to process so maybe not the best test of my processing skills which I know are lacking and I need a lot more practice. So advice and criticism is welcomed as this can only help me improve the final images.

One other aspect I am struggling with is that the image looks so different on different monitors but try as I might I cannot set them up to display the colours the same (and I have spent ages trying) so what looks good and not over processed on one monitor looks dark and too green on another monitor, so all in all I have no idea how you are actually viewing this image.




Edited by teoria_del_big_bang
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44 minutes ago, geeklee said:

That looks fantastic Steve!  Was that with the Esprit and QHY268?

(On my monitor, the very dark areas have a little green in them.)

Yes and Yes, thanks for the comments.

Sounds like it is a bit green then and I was thinking the monitor that was green was wrong, maybe its my laptop screen that is not showing green - thanks for info I will look into this 🙂 


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Had a go at removing the green, as I agree the black areas were quite dark green but couldn't resist enhancing the gold colour but I think I've over cooked it a tad too far, and I have lost my stars, so may make starless and add them back in later 🙂 



EDIT:     Ahhhggg!

I thought I had over cooked it a tad when processing it on my laptop and just seen it on my desktop monitor and it looks awful, 
I was going to remove it but will have another go using my desktop and post that - so please ignore this there is far too much contrast and colour.



Edited by teoria_del_big_bang
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22 hours ago, teoria_del_big_bang said:

There is obviously something to be said for having a good quality calibrated monitor but no idea how to do that.


I had that struggle a few years back before choosing what Screen to get for editing my wedding photos on. I started out editing on a laptop screen before realising nine times out of ten they are set up bright and cold in tone which is for word document purposes, not editing colour photos. From memory you can buy pieces of software that calibrates the screen but I think they weren't cheap and I read mixed reviews on using them. I ended up just researching what monitor was best for colour photo editing on and brought one I could afford which has been great since. All of my wedding albums/photos have come back the colours I see on my screen which leads me to say, a good test is to get some prints done from a decent company, that way if they print the same colour as your screen and look nice then your most of the way there!. 

Edited by Rustang
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Yep you sure can get something to calibrate your monitor ..

You hang it on the screen and run the software it has a sensor that reads the values been shown on the monitor and corrects them .

The one have is a older one now days but it's called a spider 3 pro.

As for the hubble pallet Peter jenkins has a YouTube video on how to make a action for photoshop for that ...produces really nice results too.



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22 hours ago, Neo_uk said:

You hang it on the screen and run the software it has a sensor that reads the values been shown on the monitor and corrects them .

Do you need to use them regularly on the same monitor to keep it calibrated?  If not, it feels like a great tool... to rent!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 26/04/2021 at 20:08, Neo_uk said:

Yep you sure can get something to calibrate your monitor ..

You hang it on the screen and run the software it has a sensor that reads the values been shown on the monitor and corrects them .

The one have is a older one now days but it's called a spider 3 pro.

As for the hubble pallet Peter jenkins has a YouTube video on how to make a action for photoshop for that ...produces really nice results too.



Got a Spyder 3 Elite for £29 off Ebay - many thanks for the suggestion

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