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Skinny Software Stack for Joint Mount and Dome Control

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Hi everyone, not sure if this is the correct forum for this thread but thought it was close enough to topic 🙂  

In prep for my Pulsar Obsy build a couple of months from now I’m looking to get ahead of software requirements for the dome.  Can anybody provide advice on a decent ‘Skinny’ software stack for mount and dome control.  Observing has been simple for me thus far, only need to worry about mount control.  However,  I got to thinking about how clumsy and inefficient things would be if goto commands were two separate unrelated actions one for mount control from my chosen planetarium software SkySafari, and then having to reach over and key in the Azimuth setting for dome position.   As far as I know there is no dome control interface from SkySafari, so it looks like this will be achieved via an RDP session into my Intel NUC and thence to the dome controller.   No big deal I guess this will just join my Atik Horizon control Software.  What is my best solution for joint mount and dome control?

Kind Regards


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I guess your control would be via ASCOM then?  I foresee an issue for me there, in that I may not be able to source an ASCOM driver for my ‘somewhat Vintage’ Sphinx SXW.

Edited by DeepSkyMan
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