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Some output from the RedCat - Ha Rosette nebula and a small LRGB Leo Triplet


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I started to capture some Ha on the Rosette nebula during the full moon spell at the end of February.  The altitude and position is still favourable from my garden for 2-3 hours each evening.  I'll likely aim for some OIII and maybe SII next season (given the forecast).  As always, the Ha from the RedCat and Baader 7nm has some decent detail and structure in there.

Both images taken with the WO RedCat, Atik 460EX and Baader filters.

This is 45 x 600s (7.5 hours) across three nights.


This next one isn't a typical target for such a modest focal length but I didn't want to waste the mainly clear skies so grabbed some time on this.  A couple of channels had some cloud, but overall there was some good signal.

~1 hour each on R, G and B + 2 hours of L (all 300s)


1:1 crop of the triplet:


Both captured with Voyager, calibrated & stacked in APP then processed in PixInsight.

Thanks for looking and clear skies.

Edited by geeklee
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56 minutes ago, astroexplorer said:

Amazing photos. I am about to use a similar setup.  Are you using a filter wheel or place each filter in the scope?

Thanks @astroexplorer.  I think these were done with the filter wheel attached.  Apologies, I say "think" because for a while i was using an OSC camera with the RedCat for RGB images and for narrow band I was just using a filter drawer between the Redcat and the 460EX.  I'd just leave it recording Ha for a session or more.  Then switch to OIII for example.  Definitely the Leo triplet was with the wheel!

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